Budget forecast growth rate add up


I will try to explain what I want to do.

If the current year is 2018 then the previous year 2017.
Because the current year 2018 has not yet expired, so there are no actuals for the complete year 2018. Therefore, the starting point is only the previous year (at the moment it is 2017). For the budget forecast growth rate add up we do not use the actuals of 2016, 2015 etc. We only use as a starting point the previous year, at the moment it is 2017, and when we will be in 2019 in the future then we have the actuals of the previous year 2018 etc. etc.
Revenue actual 2017 + growth percentage = revenue budget forecast 2018.
Revenue budget forecast 2018 + growth percentage = revenue budget forecast 2019.
Revenue budget forecast 2019 + growth percentage = revenue budget forecast 2020.
Revenue budget forecast 2020 + growth percentage = revenue budget forecast 2021.
etc. etc. etc.

The code for the growth_perc works perfect. Thanks :smiley:

How do I make the above mentioned situation?
I have the following code but somewhere it goes wrong.

{% assign growth_perc = 1.02 %}

{{ growth_perc }}

{% assign revenue = period.accounts | range:“70” %}

{% assign start_date = period.year_start_date | date:"%Y" %}
{% assign end_date = period.year_end_date | date:"%Y" %}

| Description 1 |{% if start_date == end_date %}{{ start_date }}{% else %}{{start_date}} - {{end_date}}{% endif %}{% for i in (1…5) %} | {{ INT(start_date+i) }}{% endfor %}
|-----------|---------{% for i in (1…6) %}|----------{% endfor %}+
|Revenue {% for i in (1…6) %}| {{ -1revenue(growth_perc**i) | currency }}{% endfor %}

see print screen
Description 1 gives the wrong revenue actual 2017, that’s not good. The revenue 2017 is a actual. The actuals must remain as actuals in the table. Budget forecast turnover 2018 should be actual revenue 2017 x growth_perc. Budget forecast revenue 2019 should be budget forcast revenue 2018 x growth_perc. Etc. etc for the following budget forecast years.

Description 2
This is only a test to show the actual 2017. As you can see in description 1, the growth percentage is added to the actual 2017 ( 238.128.17 x 1.02 = 242.890,73)

Hi @NickS,

If my understanding is correct, below code should generate the revenue budget forecast table with the actual revenue of the previous year as starting point:

{% assign growth_perc = 1.22 %}

{% assign revenue_minus1 = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:“70” %}

{% assign start_date = period.year_start_date | date:“%Y” %}
{% assign end_date = period.year_end_date | date:“%Y” %}

| Description |{% if start_date == end_date %}{{ start_date }}{% else %}{{start_date}} - {{end_date}}{% endif %}{% for i in (1…5) %} | {{ INT(start_date+i) }}{% endfor %}
|------------|----------|----------{% for i in (0…4) %}|----------{% endfor %}+
|Revenue | {{ -1 revenue_minus1 | currency }} {% for i in (0…4) %}| {{ -1 growth_perc revenue_minus1 | currency }} {% assign revenue_minus1 = growth_perc revenue_minus1 %} {% endfor %}

In case you have additional questions on this, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Kind regards,

For some reason this code is not working. I’ve looked at it and tried different things but I can not get it right. I hope you manage to get it right.
See this printscreen what the code generates


Hi @NickS,

Due to a copy-paste error, the ‘*’ sings have not been correctly displayed in my code. The formulas in the table should be {{ -1 x revenue_minus1 | currency }}, {{ -1 x growth_perc x revenue_minus1 | currency }} and {% assign revenue_minus1 = growth_perc x revenue_minus1 %}. You should replace the ‘x’ (= multiplier) above with * (without blank space and apostrophe).

In that case it should work fine.

Kind regards,

Hi Robin,

Thank you.

I probably doing something wrong.

I use this code:

What generates this:

But the actual revenue 2017 is 238.128,37 and not 257.157,07. And all budget forecast years are not filled