CASE: access only starred reconciliations

Imagine you’d like to create a simple overview with every reconciliation that is starred in the working period:
Screen Shot 2020-11-13 at 15.33.29

You can now do that easily as we added an extra method to the reconciliations drop starred :bulb:

Before, you needed to loop over all reconciliations, and access each reconciliation and check whether or not the reconciliation was starred or not:

{% comment %}show links to all starred reconciliations{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
| {% t "Name reconciliation" %}
{% newline %}
{% for recon in period.reconciliations %}
  {% if recon.starred? %}
    {% newline %}
    | {% linkto recon %}{{ }}{% endlinkto %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endstripnewlines %} 

Obviously, that meant accessing each reconciliation to check, while that is not needed as you only need the starred ones anyway (so it has an impact on the execution of your code - you won’t notice this though, but it is there, a delay in execution).

Now we added the starred method, so you can access the reconciliations needed more easily in code (less code), while also being executed more fast:

{% comment %}now it is possible to directly loop over ONLY THE STARRED ONES{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
| {% t "Name reconciliation" %}
{% newline %}
{% for recon in period.reconciliations.starred %}
  {% newline %}
  | {% linkto recon %}{{ }}{% endlinkto %}
{% endfor %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

Link developer site here


Is it possible to add the name of the workflow for each reconciliation?



Hi Sylvie,

I am afraid this is not possible at the moment.



Can you add it to the list of improvments?

Thanks a lot,


  1. Is it possible to also show the green/red indicator before or after each name that shows if it’s reconciled or not?

  2. Can this also been done with an account template, f.e.: a list of accounts that shows if it’s reconciled or not (if it’s starred of course)


Hi Peter,

Unfortunately we don’t have a reconciliation method at the moment in liquid as the user can directly access to this information on the workflow itself. Please see the image below:

In the above example only the unreconciled templates/accounts will be shown.
