CASE: create overview of all result tags with their value

More and more, we’ll want to link to certain results from other templates. Of course, one should know the name of the handle which needs to be referred to, as well the name of the result-tag.

However, we can make a template that does just that: an overview of all templates with their used handle, and the name and value of the result tags.

{% for item in period.reconciliations %}

{% if item.handle != blank %}
{::font size="l"}**{% linkto period.reconciliations.[item.handle] %}{{ }}{% endlinkto %}** ( handle: *{{ item.handle }}* ){:/font}

{% stripnewlines %}
| **Result tag** | **Value** 
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
{% for item in period.reconciliations.[item.handle].results %}
  | {{ item[0] }} | {{ item[1] }} 
{% newline %}
{% endfor %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Which will create something like this :

This way, users will get a more clear view what result tags are used, and where.

(all credits to @SamVanEenoo)