CASE: create reconciliation templates just to add attachments in the working papers

No, there were always multiple attachtments.
Before the ‘Bijlage 5’ en ‘Bijlage 6’ wasn’t visable on the generated PDF.

It worked perfect for like a year, until yesterday.

Little bit confused here I’m afraid @Thijs, sorry about that

The goal is to have a title page that has the title on it, correct? If so, you could just use {{ export.current_title }} as explained here:

But I’m feeling I’m missing out on your issue, no?


There is no issue with the title. What i want is to render the PDF’s, that are attatched to a reconciliation with {{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}

Template of the reconciliation:

{% nic %}
{% if period.custom.some.jaarrekening_doc.document != blank %}
  {% if custom.some.opname_jaarrekening_doc == true or custom.some.opname_jaarrekening_doc == blank %} 
    {% input period.custom.some.jaarrekening_doc as:file_collection %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if period.custom.some.sociale_balans_doc.document != blank %}
  {% if custom.some.opname_sociale_balans_doc == true or custom.some.opname_sociale_balans_doc == blank %}
    {% input period.custom.some.sociale_balans_doc as:file_collection %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endnic %}

{% assign oorsprong_options = '1|2'%}
{% capture oorsprong_types %}{% t "Voorlopig|Definitief" %} {% endcapture %}

{% ic %}
|{% input custom.some.opname_jaarrekening_doc as:boolean default:'true' %}    | Jaarrekening: |     {% input period.custom.some.jaarrekening_doc as:file_collection %} | {{  }}  {{ period.custom.some.jaarrekening_doc.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}|Versie: |{% input period.custom.some.jaarrekening_status as:select options:oorsprong_types option_values:oorsprong_options default:1 %}
|{% input custom.some.opname_sociale_balans_doc as:boolean default:'true' %}  | Sociale Balans: |   {% input period.custom.some.sociale_balans_doc as:file_collection %} | {{  }}  {{ period.custom.some.sociale_balans_doc.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}
{% endic %}


This renders the attached PDF’s in ‘Detail Text’:

{% for account_or_text in export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts.900005 %}

{% if account_or_text.is_account %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


||<font size="18">{% t "Jaarrekening" %}</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<font color="ffffff">{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}</font>


{% else %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


||<font size="18">{% t "Jaarrekening" %}</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<font color="ffffff">{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}</font>



{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

With this code it renders the PDF’s, but also the text ‘Bijlage x’. And I want te get rid of that.
My solutions was the font tag with color set to white. But as of yesterday this seems not possible anymore.


No solution?


Have you had the time to look into this?

Hello @Thijs,

Seems this got lost a bit (we work with people assigned every week to follow up on community), but we did investigate some things where we presume something changed (like you said) in the background.

Unfortunately we are still searching for sort of a workaround.

Keep you posted today!


Many thanks!

Okay @Thijs,

The issue is now clearly examined (thanks for your detailled code for that!), and I do think something changed in the background.
I also do not see any workaround for now, so I’ve logged an issue ( number 835748472/59850/) with our Silverfin core team.

I’ll keep you posted as soon as I have more updates regarding this - so sorry for the delay on update.

Good news @Thijs, we’ve found a workaround for you.

Instead of adapting color fonts, you could just change the reconciliation template like this:

{% capture xxx %}
  {% input period.custom.some.jaarrekening_doc as:file_collection %}
{% endcapture %}

{% ic %}{{ xxx }}{% endic %} 

Little bit modified and made easier, but what this actually does, is the input object will not be rendered in export. But the attachment will be!

you see, the capture will be seen in input-mode (obviously) but not in export. However, this does not impact the attached docs to the actual objects as a nice side effect!

Could you give this a try? Let me know if you’re stuck


This works great!
Thank you for taking the time to look into this!

No, thank you for waiting so long for an answer @Thijs :see_no_evil: