Document 'bedrijfsparameters' (own design)

Hi @Nadja ,

Nice to see you are developing your own template! Of course we will try to support you as much as possible via our Community.

Please find our feedback below:

  • Is it possible to receive the date of foundation from AdminIS into my document?

This should be included in the database variable However, this is only added in the latest version of the sync. If you are not working on the latest version, it could be that this information is not yet synced.

  • I’ve used input custom.some.thing as selected option twice in my document for 2 different things but when I fill in the second one, the first one also changes. What did I do wrong?

When creating variables (database or local variables) it is important that these have a unique name. In this case, it’s important the namespace and/or key of the inputfield are different. When these are the same, you simply overwrite the data that was already selected when you change the option in one of the two dropdowns. Also, from a code perspective we would recommend using more descriptive namespaces and keys instead of ‘some’ and ‘thing’. This will only improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

  • In the second input selected option (bestuurders…), all the directors are visible, but is it possible to also see their position in the company? Link from AdminIS?

What do you exactly mean with ‘position in the company’? The array already contains the directors, so could you elaborate on what other information is it that you need?

Some more information of what is available in the drops in Silverfin can be found here: CASE: overview legal data from Silverfin templates

As a final note, when looking into your template code, I notice that you are using pipes | throughout your code, however you code is missing a table definition. Could be a copy-pasting error, but just to be sure, if you want your template lay-out to be fixed, also include table headers like this |----|----+

Hope this helps!

If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Kind regards,