CASE: overview legal data from Silverfin templates

As we now create XBRL and BizTax files for other application purposes (Annual Accounts, Tax, … ), we needed to create additional fields in the company and person drop.

An easy example, is the name of a person. We always used .name for that in the person drop, which is one value for both first and last name. However, some exports need that value split up as first name and last name.
Therefor, we created custom.first_name and custom.last_name

This complicated things, as you could get into a situation like this:

To avoid this, below you’ll find an overview of all custom drops we use now in the company and person drop:

{::font size='xl'}{% t "Company related" %}{:/font}

{% comment %}Some commonly used custom drops for legal text reporting{% endcomment %}

{{ }} : date of establishment that can be given 
{{ company.custom.rpr.naam }} : Register of Legal Entities the company belongs to
{{ }} : the code, used for XBRL purposes, of the Register of Legal Entities
{{ period.custom.mod.datum }} : the date for the preparation of the Minutes of the General Meeting
{{ period.custom.av.datum }} : the date of the actual Minutes of the General Meeting
{{ }}: the date of the Annual Report

{::font size='xl'}{% t "Person related" %}{:/font}

{% comment %}all custom drops used for a person, mainly used for XBRL and other exports{% endcomment %}

{% for person in period.people %}
  {{ person.custom.represented_by_name }} : name of the representer of a legal entity
  {{ person.custom.represented_by_vat }} : the VAT number of a person which is a legal entity
  {{ person.custom.type }} : the type (legal/nature) that can be given to a person
  {{ person.custom.company_form }} : the code (used for XBRL purposes mainly) of the chosen company form of a legal entity
  {{ person.director }} : to see if the person is director or not (true/false)
  {{ person.shareholder }} : to see if the person is shareholder or not (true/false)
  {{ person.statutory }} : to see if a person is statutory or not (true/false)
  {{ }} : the name of a person, which is the first and last name as one value
  {{ person.custom.first_name }} : the first name of a person, which we take from {{ }} by splitting on the first space we found (which will not always be correct) and propose as a default
  {{ person.custom.last_name }} : the last name, which as a default we propose the remaining part from {{ }}
  {{ }} : the country a person resides in
  {{ person.custom.vat_identifier }} : the VAT number of a legal entity
  {{ person.custom.function }} : the code of the function a person does (used for XBRL purposes mainly)
  {{ person.custom.address_type }} : the address type of a person
  {{ person.address_1 }} : the street and number as one value
  {{ person.address_2 }} : the postal code and city as one value
  {{ person.custom.street }} : street
  {{ person.custom.street_number }} : number
  {{ person.custom.postal_code }} : postal code
  {{ }} : city
  {{ person.amount_of_shares }} : amount of shares
  {{ person.custom.kind_of_shares }} : the kind of those shares
  {{ person.custom.shares_classes }} : the class of those shares
  {{ person.amount_of_votes }} : the amount of votes
  {{ person.director_start_date }} : the start date of the mandat
  {{ person.director_end_date }} : the end date of the mandat  
  {{ person.custom.profession }} : profession of a person
  {{ person.custom.adress }} : the type of address (used for XBRL)
  {{ person.custom.nationality }} : nationality of a person
  {{ person.custom.date_of_birth }} : birthdate of a person
  {{ person.custom.place_of_birth }} : place of birth
  {{ person.custom.id_number }} : number of the ID-card
  {{ person.custom.phone_number }} : phone number
  {{ }} : mail address
  {{ person.custom.ni_number }} : national register number
{% endfor %}

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Added this to the case as well:

{{ }} 

Our Annual Report has now the option to overwrite the date:

The option is added to overwrite the date that is referred to in the title; as a default, the date of the General Meeting is still shown.