Export Potrait/Landscape

As I have learned from the helpdesk, Silverfin automatically takes portrait/landscape based on created document. When creating a new document how can make sure document will be exported in portrait?

Hi Maarten,

A text is considered to be suitable for landscape when it contains a table with more than 8 columns. So as long as you stay under 8 columns, the text should (by default) be portrait.

This can be modified though in the export detail_text. In the default detail_text the orientation is explicitly set by using {% changeorientation reconciliation.preferred_orientation %}

Hi Tim,

I’m still somewhat confused… how can I set my ‘preferred_orientation’ if I have 8 columns or more?

For ex. I’ve made a document where one table has 12 columns. How can set in the ‘style’ in detail_text that I want the whole document to be exported in portrait.

In short, if it’s a regular text document, currently you can’t. If it’s a reconciliation or an account detail template, you could do this by modifying the text that generates the export.

Can you give an example of a table with that many columns that you want to show in portrait? Depending on the usecase there might be other possibilities.


Om nogmaals terug te komen op onderstaande probleem (Landscape/Portrait).

In dossier ‘The Nautic store’ staat een document ‘A - Waardering Handelsfonds’. Onder titel Bedrijfseconomische gemiddelde vrije cash flow: staat een tabel met meer als 7 kolommen. Hoe zou ik dit in portrait krijgen bij export? Ik had reeds een stijl aangemaakt ‘1. Waardering’ daar kan je ook aanpassingen in doen, deze wordt nog niet gebruikt.

Alvast bedankt

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Kind Regards,
Maarten Peeters
@: maarten.peeters@accogroup.bemailto:maarten.peeters@accogroup.be


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Below you’ll find a the talbe header and 1st row; some of the data refers to a table I’ve created in the text document: I could split up the table but it would be more clear to a reader if it was in one table.

|Boekjaar|Bedrijfsresultaat|Afschrijvingen|Bedrijfseconomische cashflow|Aflos. VV|Investeringen|Div. aflossingen|Vrije CF|Wegingscoëff.|Gewogen vrije CF
|{{jaarmin2}}|{{ $16 | currency}}|{{ $39 | currency}}|{%=$0+ $16+$39 %}|{{ $36*-1 | currency}}|{%=$3+input period.custom.jaarmin2.investeringen as currency default:0 %}|{%=$6+input period.custom.jaarmin2.diverse_aflossingen as currency default:0 %}|{%=$9+ $0+$3+$6+$36*-1 %}|{%assign $3 = 0%}{%=$3+input period.custom.jaarmin2.wegingscoefficientcf default:1 %}|{%=$12+ $9*$3 %}