How to make text be aligned left instead of jutified?

Currently we have all our templates with justified text (aligned on both sides). Now we are wondering if it is possible to have just the alignment on the left side? Where is this option hidden? :slight_smile:

Hi @tver,

You can align the text in a table to the left side by defining your table header like this:


The placement of the colon determines how the text will be aligned.

Hope this was what you were looking for, if not please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Kind regards,


I knew the option in a table but was hoping there was an alternative as I have a large text template generating a 5 pager document. So if the only way there is to align to the left, is adding everything to a table, I have some work to do!


Hi @tver,

We understand the problem, we’ll look into the possible solutions and come back on this in the course of tomorrow at the latest!

Kind regards,

Hi @tver,

We have investigated different options but at this point the only solution will be to use a {% capture txt %} around your text and print the captured text into a table with header settings like this:


I think this could be the best solution to align your 5 pager document to the left.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,