How to align my text

Hi everyone!

I have 2 questions about alignments.

  1. I want to align my text in my text template to the right.

I have tried both of the following codes, but it is not working:
-> {{ | strip }}, {{ new_date | date:"%d %B %Y" }}
{{ | strip }}, {{ new_date | date:"%d %B %Y" }} <-

  1. I also want to align my text in the center (which does work with the -> + <-), but I would also like to have a “tab” there, like in Word.
    that the centered text is starting at the same point at the page, but in the middle of the page.

I hope someone can help me out again!

Hi Zena,

  1. Regarding your first question, you can try putting the text on a table like this:
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {{ | strip }}, {{ new_date | date:"%d %B %Y" }}
{% endstripnewlines %}
  1. In this case you can use the tables again and the indent function (choosing the level of indentation you want) in order to create a space similar to the tab in word, please see the below example:
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| {::indent level="6"}Text Example{:/indent}
{% endstripnewlines %}

Hope that helps,

Hi Borja

Thanks for the explanation.