Is there a possibility to intend at the right side of a page?
Hi @Tanguy,
I’m afraid not; this case explains the only way the Markdown indenting works:
However, you could use a second table format that gives the idea of right indenting (without actually using indenting):
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
| **Some header we use without indent**
{% comment %}creating a new table format{% endcomment %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| A sentence displayed in the second table format given the impression of right indenting
{% endstripnewlines %}
Is this something that could work for your case?
Thank you, but I am making a text report and I need to have my text in the correct margins. I saw it was impossible to set margins of a document so I tought a left and a right intend could be the solution.
Great. So is this something that can help you out for now?
Let us know if you’re stuck