Liquid code appearing under Preview and Regular view


I am using the Shared Part from the first code.
When I am including the Shared Part in one of my Templates, parts of my Liquid code appear under preview or regular view .

Shared Part:

{% comment %}<----------------Header Configurations----------------->{% endcomment %}

{% assign show_header = show_header | default:'true' %}
{% assign show_header_export = show_header_export | default:'true' %}

{% assign show_header2 = show_header2 | default:'false' %}
{% assign show_header_export2 = show_header_export2 | default:'false' %}

{% assign reconciled_if_prepared = reconciled_if_prepared | default:'false' %}

{% comment %}<----------------HEADER 1----------------->{% endcomment %}

{% if show_header == 'true' %}

{% comment %}Reconciled - only if `Prepared by` is ticked. Please set up in Configurations.{% endcomment %}
{% if reconciled_if_prepared == 'true' %}
  {% if custom.check.prepared == true %}
    {% unreconciled 0 %}
  {% else %}
    {% unreconciled 1 %} {% assign show_indicator = 1 %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}end of: Reconciled - only if `Prepared by` is ticked. Please set up in Configurations.{% endcomment %}

{% ifi show_header_export == 'true' %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| Prepared by:  
  {% input custom.check.prepared as:boolean %}{% rollforward nil custom.check.prepared %}
| {% if custom.check.prepared == true %}{{}}{% endif %}
| Prepared on:
| {% if custom.check.prepared  == true %}{{ custom.check.prepared.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y"  }} {% else %} &nbsp;{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| Reviewed by:
  {% input custom.check.reviewed as:boolean %}{% rollforward nil custom.check.reviewed %}
 |{% if custom.check.reviewed == true %} {{}} {% endif %}
| Reviewed on:
| {% if custom.check.reviewed == true %} {{custom.check.reviewed.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y"}} {% endif %}
{% newline %}
| Final Reviewed by:
  {% input custom.check.locked as:boolean %}{% rollforward nil custom.check.locked %}
 |{% if custom.check.locked == true %}{{}}{% endif %}
| Final Reviewed on:
| {% if custom.check.locked == true %} {{custom.check.locked.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y"}} {% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% comment %}Locking the inputs{% endcomment %}

{% if custom.check.locked %}{% assign sf_show_inputs = false %}{% endif %}

{% assign sf_include_document_links = true %}


{% endifi %}
{% endif %}

{% comment %}<+++++++++++END OF HEADER 1++++++++++>{% endcomment %}

{% comment %}<----------------HEADER 2----------------->{% endcomment %}

{% if show_header2 == 'true' %}

{% ifi show_header_export2 == 'true' %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
{% newline %}
| Prepared by:  
{% input custom.check.prepared as:boolean %}{% rollforward nil custom.check.prepared %}

{% comment %}Reconciled - only if `Prepared by` is ticked. Please set up in Configurations.{% endcomment %}
{% if reconciled_if_prepared == 'true' %}
{% if custom.check.prepared == true %}
{% unreconciled 0 %}
{% else %}
{% unreconciled 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}end of: Reconciled - only if `Prepared by` is ticked. Please set up in Configurations.{% endcomment %}

| {% if custom.check.prepared == true %}{{}}{% endif %}
| Prepared on:
| {% if custom.check.prepared  == true %}{{ custom.check.prepared.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y"  }} {% else %} &nbsp;{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% comment %}Locking the inputs{% endcomment %}

{% if custom.check.prepared %}{% assign sf_show_inputs = false %}{% endif %}


{% endifi %}
{% endif %}

{% comment %}<+++++++++++END OF HEADER2++++++++++>{% endcomment %}


{::font size="l"}
**Ongoing information sheet (“OIS”)**
**Background information / client activities** {% input custom.some.attachment29 as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.Z as:text default:Z %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{::font size="l"}
**Accounting and systems notes**

{% comment %}<----Sales Ledger---->{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_A as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_A %}
{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }}) Sales ledger**{:/font}{% newline %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}Sales ledger{% endic %}
{% endif %} 
{% if custom.tick.section_A %}
{% ifi != blank %}{% input as:text default:b1 placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}{% endifi %}

{% fori item in custom.section_A %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment1 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
  1. If “Final review by” is ticked "{:/group} {::/group} " appears in both regular view and preview mode.

  2. While “Final review by” is not ticked {:/group} {::/group}" appears only in preview mode .

Can you please advise on how I can prevent "{:/group} {::/group} " liquid code from appearing under Preview or Regular view ?

Thank you,

Hi @Stefan.Temelie

I think the reason for this is the use of sf_show_inputs in your shared part. When it is set to false, the group tags will become visible.

Please try the following:
after including your shared part, assign a new variable with the current value of sf_show_inputs:

{% include "shared/shared_part" %}
{% assign previous_show_inputs = sf_show_inputs %}

Then wrap your group tags like this:

{% assign sf_show_inputs = true %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% assign sf_show_inputs = previous_show_inputs %}

Let me know if this works!

Best regards,

Hi Simon,

It seems to work fine.
Thank your for your help.

Happy Holidays to your and your colleagues.

Thank you,