Shared parts & code parts for text templates plz

Hi there :wave: ,

I am planning to built some text templates to be offered on the Marketplace.

Now, I have built already a shared part that offers some legal logic that can be accessed in any reconciliation template that needs it (such as translations of a function of a director, RPR naming, company form full naming, common logic as nett-assets, and so on…).
But I would also need to access that same shared part for some of the text templates I want to create.

Is this something that can be activated for text templates (together with code parts as well)?
It seems that the own legal texts of Silverfin have a lot of duplicate coding as well, to re-create logic from the text template Company Information. I’d rather avoid such thing :relaxed:

I am aware that there is no issue if I would built the templates as reconciliations, but then it’s hard for any user to know where a template can be accessed in a company: Documents or a workflow… Hence the reason I’ve chosen to still built it as a text template :man_shrugging:


Unfortunately this is not possible for now. I’ll put it on our list of feature requests though. If this would be implemented (probably not in the short term), we will definitely share it here!

Thanks for your suggestion and good luck with your templates!

Kind regards,

Thnx for the update though :relaxed: