List of references

Is there somewhere a list of the usable references ?
For example if I choose a different {Company_Form} the parameter in reports are going to change.
The term of a shareholder in a BVBA is different from one in a NV.
I tested it, and he changes the term.
I would like to have a list which forms the template knows, and if it’s possible what he’ll change in the report if I change the form.

Hello @EBe,

In our text templates we use the following code to distinguish different company forms :

{% capture company_form %}{{ company.company_form | replace: '.','' | replace: ' ','' | upcase }}{% endcapture %}
{% case company_form %}
{% when 'NV' %}
  {% assign director_type = 'bestuurders' %}
  {% assign shareholder_type = 'aandeelhouders' %}
{% when 'CVBA' %}
  {% assign director_type = 'bestuurders' %}
  {% assign shareholder_type = 'vennoten' %}
{% else %}
  {% if period.directors.count == 1 %}
    {% assign director_type = 'zaakvoerder' %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign director_type = 'zaakvoerders' %}
  {% endif %}
{% endcase %}

Then we use the case ‘company_form’ and/or ‘director_type’ to give the proper text for each company form.

To see what he will change, is to check the corresponding code.

If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.