Period.minus_1y - placeholder - calculation


We want to put the value of ending balance of last year as a placeholder for the beginning balance of the current year. We can see the value of last year as a placeholder but we encounter 2 problems:

  1. We cannot put any value in any input field of the reconcilation
  2. Normally the sum would be displayed on the bottom ($0 or $1) but it does not work


{% assign a3 = period.minus_1y.reconciliations.test.custom.reserves.legal_CY|currency %}
{% assign a4 = period.minus_1y.reconciliations.test.custom.reserves.unavailable_CY|currency %}
{% assign a5 = period.minus_1y.reconciliations.test.custom.reserves.available_CY|currency %}
{% assign a6 = period.minus_1y.reconciliations.test.custom.reserves.profit_CY|currency %}


|            | {% t "Codes" %} |{% t "At the beginning of the taxable period" %} | {% t "At the end of the taxable period" %} | 
|{% t "Legal reserve" %}|{{1005}}|{% $0+input custom.taxable_reserve.legal_reserve as:currency placeholder_default:a3 %} |{% $1+input custom.reserves.legal_CY as:currency placeholder:"Value" %} 
|{% t "Unavailable reserves" %}|{{1006}}|{% $0+input custom.taxable_reserve.unavailable as:currency placeholder_default:a4 %} |{% $1+input custom.reserves.unavailable_CY as:currency placeholder:"Value" %} 
|{% t "Available reserves" %}|{{1007}}|{% $0+input custom.taxable_reserve.available as:currency placeholder_default:a5 %} |{% $1+input custom.reserves.available_CY as:currency placeholder:"Value" %} 
|{% t "Profit (loss) carried forward (+)/(-)" %} |{{"1008 PN"}}|{% $0+input custom.taxable_reserve.profit_loss as:currency placeholder_default:a6  %} |{% $1+input custom.reserves.profit_CY as:currency placeholder:"Value" %} 

|{% t "Decrease adjustments to the initial status of the reserves" %}|{{1061}}| {% $2+input custom.reserves.decrease as:currency placeholder:0.00 %} |
|**{% t "Taxable reserves after adjustments to the initial state of the reserves (+)/(-)"%}**|**{{"1070 PN"}}**|**{{$0-$2 |currency}}**|
|**{% t "Taxable reserved profit (+)/(-)" %}**|**{{"1080 PN"}}**| |**{{$1-$0+$2 |currency}}**

Hello @nlondoz,

Seem to have missed this post; sorry for that!

Your variables that are assigned to a3-a6: where are these created? Or better yet: how are they created?

With the sums I see nothing wrong for now, but could be because I’m misinterpreted the goal of the template.