Hi ,
Could you please give me some ideas on how i can fix the bellow code?
When i am in regular view the “infotext” appears on the next line.
Another issue that i am having is that in the preview {:/group} {::group} appears.
{% stripnewlines %}
{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_M as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_M %}
{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }}) Systems implementation**{:/font}{% newline %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}{::font size="m"} Systems implementation{:/font}{::infotext as='hover'}No user login details or passwords should be stored in the OIS. You should only document where information can be found{:/infotext}{% newline %}{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_M %}
{% ifi custom.box.b14 != blank %}{% input custom.box.b14 as:text size:mini default:b14 %}{% newline %}{% endifi %}
{% fori item in custom.section_M %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment14 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% nic %}{:/group}{::group}{% endnic %}
{% endfori %}
{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Thank you,
Hi Stefan,
A way to fix the issue of the infotext jumping to the next line would be to structure that line into 2 columns using the pipe symbol (|). The following should work:
{% ic %}|{::font size="m"} Systems implementation{:/font}|{::infotext as='hover'}No user login details or passwords should be stored in the OIS. You should only document where information can be found{:/infotext}{% newline %}{% endic %}
Regarding the group tags, try to wrap it in this order:
grouped content
Having it reversed maybe makes sense for export if you know that you’ll be grouping in a wrapper around the template, but for preview there is no outer wrapper.
e.g. if your template is just:
that’s what you’ll see in preview mode.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
1 Like
It worked fine but for the following two sections i have tried to do the same buti i can’t figure it out.
{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %} {% endif %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G4 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %}**Client specific reporting** {% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G4 == true %}{% input custom.note.G4 as:text default:G4 %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %} Client specific reporting{% endic %}|{% ic %}{::infotext as='hover'}Include client specific reports and any form of manipulation performed by users. Explain why{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G1 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 %}**Foreign exchange** {% input custom.item.attachmentG as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G1 == true %}{% input custom.note.G1 as:text default:G1 %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %} Foreign exchange{::infotext as='hover'}If information not available in PRD please specific the source of the exchange rates and who and how is responsible for providing it{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
I am not sure if i understand correctly.
For preview there is no wrapper for the text. For Generating Experts i should use
grouped content
for each section that i am planning on grouping, and the “group” should not appear in the export?
Thank you for your help.
Hi @Stefan.Temelie,
The group tags are a bit tricky since some export styles have embedded and opening one: i.e {::group}. You should try and add the following group tags in the normal order before the endifs of each section:
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
Let me know if that works.
When i try to export now, the export seems to be stuck and i get the message " Something went wrong"
Preview it is working fine.
I have tried to use the Pipe symbol to make the Infotext to appear on the same line but it doesn’t seem to work on the bellow two lines. Could you please point out what am i doing wrong in here ?
{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %} {% endif %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G4 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %}**Client specific reporting** {% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G4 == true %}{% input custom.note.G4 as:text default:G4 %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %} Client specific reporting{% endic %}|{% ic %}{::infotext as='hover'}Include client specific reports and any form of manipulation performed by users. Explain why{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G1 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 %}**Foreign exchange** {% input custom.item.attachmentG as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G1 == true %}{% input custom.note.G1 as:text default:G1 %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %} Foreign exchange{::infotext as='hover'}If information not available in PRD please specific the source of the exchange rates and who and how is responsible for providing it{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
Good morning @Stefan.Temelie,
Could you please share the full code with me so that I can have a look at the export issue?
Regarding the infotext, I can see that it is showing on the same line for the first bit of code but not on the second one since you have not put the pipe symbol in it.
Hi @borjaGonzalez
This is the section where i want to add those comets.
I have tried using the Pipe symbol but it is getting printed out in Preview so i have removed it.
{% comment %}<----Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting---->{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }}) Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting**{:/font}{% newline %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}{::font size="m"} Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting{:/font}{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{% ifi custom.box.b7 != blank %}{% input custom.box.b7 as:text size:mini default:b7 %}{% newline %}{% endifi %}
{% fori item in custom.section_G %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment7 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G1 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 %}**Foreign exchange** {% input custom.item.attachmentG as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G1 == true %}{% input custom.note.G1 as:text default:G1 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}|{% ic %} Foreign exchange{::infotext as='hover'}If information not available in PRD please specific the source of the exchange rates and who and how is responsible for providing it{:/infotext}{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% ic %} {% if custom.tick.section_G2 %} {% endif %}{% endic %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G2 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G2 %}**Accounting policie**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}{% newline %}{% if custom.tick.section_G2 == true %}{% input custom.note.G2 as:text default:G2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% ic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G5 %} {% endif %}{% endic %}{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G5 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G5 %}**Fixed assets** {%input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G5 == true %}{% input custom.note.G5 as:text default:G5 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else%}{% ic %}Fixed assets{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %} {% endif %}{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G6 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %}**Intangible assets**{%input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G6 == true %}{% input custom.note.G6 as:text default:G6 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %}Intangible assets {% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G7 %} {% endif %}{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G7 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %}**Prepayments**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G7 == true %}{% input custom.note.G7 as:text default:G7 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %}Prepayments{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% fori item in custom.section_G8 %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachmentG8 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
{% else %}{% ic %} Accounting policies{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% ic %} {% if custom.tick.section_G3 %} {% endif %}{% endic %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G3 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G3 %}**Management reporting** {% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G3 == true %}{% input custom.note.G3 as:text default:G3 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %} Management reporting{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %} {% endif %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G4 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %}**Client specific reporting** {% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G4 == true %}{% input custom.note.G4 as:text default:G4 %}{% endif %}{% else %}|{% ic %} Client specific reporting{% endic %}|{% ic %}{::infotext as='hover'}Include client specific reports and any form of manipulation performed by users. Explain why{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Hi @Stefan.Temelie,
I have amended the code on your environment as I had to analyse the template properly. The export should work now.
Since you are exporting this file, the export style always starts with an opening tag and ends with a closing tag so what I did was to wrap each section like this:
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
As you can see there is no need to add the opening group tag at the very beginning or the closing one at the end of your template as the style does it for you. That’s what it was causing the export to break, as the tags weren’t properly opened/closed.
In regards to the infotext being on the same line, the following syntax should always work:
{% ic %}|{% input custom.test.tick as:boolean %}{% endic %} Title {% ic %}|{::infotext as='hover'}content{:/infotext}{% endic %}
Should you have any questions, please let us know.
Thank you for your help with the entire template and with the grouping.
I still have an issue with the infotext.
I have updated the code as you suggested, and I have used the same code in both of the examples bellow. As you can see with the first “Foreign exchange” the infotext is displayed badly, while on the second “Foreign exchange” it woks without an issue.
First example is what i use in my template i have created and i need over there for the info to be properly displayed.
{% comment %}<----Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting---->{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }}) Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting**{:/font}{% newline %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}{::font size="m"} Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting{:/font}{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{% ifi custom.box.b7 != blank %}{% input custom.box.b7 as:text size:mini default:b7 %}{% newline %}{% endifi %}
{% fori item in custom.section_G %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment7 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
{% ic %}|{% input custom.tick.section_G1 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 %}**Foreign exchange**{% input custom.item.attachmentG as:file_collection %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 == true %}{% input custom.note.G1 as:text default:G1 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}|{% ic %}Foreign exchange{::infotext as='hover'}If information not available in PRD please specific the source of the exchange rates and who and how is responsible for providing it{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% ic %} {% if custom.tick.section_G2 %} {% endif %}{% endic %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G2 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G2 %}**Accounting policie**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}{% newline %}{% if custom.tick.section_G2 == true %}{% input custom.note.G2 as:text default:G2 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}
{% ic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G5 %} {% endif %}{% endic %}{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G5 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G5 %}**Fixed assets** {%input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G5 == true %}{% input custom.note.G5 as:text default:G5 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else%}{% ic %}Fixed assets{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %} {% endif %}{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G6 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %}**Intangible assets**{%input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G6 == true %}{% input custom.note.G6 as:text default:G6 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %}Intangible assets {% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G7 %} {% endif %}{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G7 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %}**Prepayments**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}{% if custom.tick.section_G7 == true %}{% input custom.note.G7 as:text default:G7 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %}Prepayments{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% fori item in custom.section_G8 %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachmentG8 as:file_collection %}{% newline %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}{% newline %}
{% endfori %}
{% else %}{% ic %} Accounting policies{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% ic %} {% if custom.tick.section_G3 %} {% endif %}{% endic %}{% ic %} {% input custom.tick.section_G3 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G3 %}**Management reporting** {% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G3 == true %}{% input custom.note.G3 as:text default:G3 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% ic %} Management reporting{% newline %}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %}{% endif %}{% ic %}|{% input custom.tick.section_G4 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %}**Client specific reporting**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}<br />{% if custom.tick.section_G4 == true %}{% input custom.note.G4 as:text default:G4 %}{% endif %}{% else %}|{% ic %} Client specific reporting{% endic %}|{% ic %}{::infotext as='hover'}Include client specific reports and any form of manipulation performed by users. Explain why{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% ic %}|{% input custom.tick.section_G1 as:boolean %}{% endic %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 %}**Foreign exchange**{% input custom.item.attachmentG as:file_collection %}{% if custom.tick.section_G1 == true %}{% input custom.note.G1 as:text default:G1 %}{% newline %}{% endif %}{% else %}|{% ic %}Foreign exchange{::infotext as='hover'}If information not available in PRD please specific the source of the exchange rates and who and how is responsible for providing it{:/infotext}{% endic %}{% endif %}
Hi @Stefan.Temelie
I have amended the code for your environment making sure the pipelines are no longer shown.
If we want to use stripnewlines together with pipelines, it is always necessary to define the columns at the beginning of the table:
{% stripnewlines %}
Additionally I have removed some double coding from your template, the outcome from the following if-statements are both “true”:
{% if custom.tick.section_G5 %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G5 == true %}
Below the complete code:
{% comment %}<----Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting---->{% endcomment %}
{% stripnewlines %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{::font size="m"}**{% assign nbr = nbr | plus:1 %}{{ nbr }}) Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting**{:/font}
{% else %}
{% ic %}{::font size="m"} Bookkeeping, reconciliations and management reporting{:/font}{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{% ifi custom.box.b7 != blank %}
{% input custom.box.b7 as:text size:mini default:b7 %}
{% endifi %}
{% newline %}
| {% fori item in custom.section_G %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachment7 as:file_collection %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}
{% endfori %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G1 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G1 %}
**Foreign exchange** {% input custom.item.attachmentG as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G1 as:text default:G1 %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}Foreign exchange{::infotext as='hover'}If information not available in PRD please specific the source of the exchange rates and who and how is responsible for providing it{:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G2 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G2 %}
**Accounting policie**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G2 as:text default:G2 %}
{% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G5 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G5 %}
**Fixed assets** {%input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G5 as:text default:G5 %}{% newline %}
{% else%}
{% ic %}Fixed assets{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G6 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %}
**Intangible assets**{%input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G6 as:text default:G6 %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}Intangible assets{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G7 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G6 %}
**Prepayments**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G7 as:text default:G7 %}
{% else %}
{% ic %}Prepayments{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% fori item in custom.section_G8 %}
**{% input item.header placeholder:'Header' %}**{% input item.attachmentG8 as:file_collection %}
{% input item.description as:text placeholder:'Description' %}
{% endfori %}
{% newline %}
{% else %}
{% ic %} Accounting policies{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G3 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G3 %}
**Management reporting** {% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G3 as:text default:G3 %}
{% else %}
{% ic %} Management reporting{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% newline %}
| {% ic %}{% input custom.tick.section_G4 as:boolean %}{% endic %}
{% if custom.tick.section_G4 %}
**Client specific reporting**{% input custom.item.attachment as:file_collection %}
{% input custom.note.G4 as:text default:G4 %}
{% else %}
{% ic %} Client specific reporting{::infotext as='hover'}Include client specific reports and any form of manipulation performed by users. Explain why{:/infotext}{% endic %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
Keep us posted should you have further questions.
Best regards
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your help.
Is there a way to avoid having that much of empty space in Regular view and the next section?
As you can see the in the screenshot bellow i have a couple empty rows between “Bookeeping …” and “text”
This happens only in regular view if the section is not ticked.

Thank you,
Hi @Stefan.Temelie
You can indeed still improve the code by adjusting the following (put the newline behind if custom.tick.section_G instead of before):
{% if custom.tick.section_G %}
{% newline %}
| {% ifi custom.box.b7 != blank %}
{% input custom.box.b7 as:text size:mini default:b7 %}
{% endifi %}
However this will still leave a bit more of space than just one line, simply because this is how tables work. Depending of the result you would like to achieve, I would suggest placing the next part of your code within the table (before endstripnewlines). Just do not forget to add a pipeline after every {% newline %}.
Best regards