REQUEST: change hard-coded detail text with group-tags?


I’ve bumped into an issue with the export of my reconciliation Continuity Letter (WCO package from the Marketplace, so this can happen with any customer).

It seems that all detail texts of any style made by Silverfin, have this coding in them (I’ve edited only the relevant info):


{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}


These tags make sure details of a reconciliation are grouped.
The group-tags then work with the following code in any Silverfin-template:

{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

where-ever you need them in a reconciliation (to group parts of a detail).

However, if you create a blank style (instead of copying from an existing style), then the style does not have any detail text (rather, it seems to fall back on some hard coding that does not have those group-tags).
Screen Shot 2020-07-26 at 14.53.52

So if we update our Continuity letter with those group-tags (which are needed to hold certain parts of the text together), it will only work if the detail text has those group-tags. But that’s not really an option as our customers look for just an export of the letter, without the title or kind of detail (see below marked in green).

It is a letter so most users just want the letter to be exported as it is.

My request is: if there is no detail text (so if the export falls back on some hard coded detail text), can those group-tags be added in the background?
This way, I don’t have to worry which style our customers will use, as I can just implement the group-tags like this in our letter:

{% nic %}
{% endnic %}

which is why we prefer to let the customer create a blank style, that gets rid of eg. the title of the template being exported too (it’s the default text that adds those titles and “Fiscale toelichting”).
If not possible, that would mean Silverfin support needs to create styles for every customer who uses our package (as we cannot alter export styles or offer them in a Marketplace package :man_shrugging: ) And I think that cannot be the goal, right?

It makes sense to us, that all exports work with those group-tags (unless it is a style with some custom made detail text of course).

It’s either that, or it should be made possible to add a style into a Marketplace package :wink: (which also wouldn’t be a bad thing).

Can you please update us on this matter? Or do we need to contact our contact as this relates to the Marketplace?

Any update on this please?

I have a customer waiting on this I’m afraid, and l’d really like to avoid for Silverfin to built custom export styles…


Thank you for your question! We have contacted our engineering team to confirm if this functionality is possible to implement. We will come back to you as soon as we have any update on this. Please stay tuned!


@Daria_Bobukh that’d be great! Hope it can get implemented :crossed_fingers:


Any update on this matter?


Sorry for keeping you waiting! It appears to be a complicated feature to introduce from engineering side. The thing with ::group tags is that the document already behaves like that if there are no group tags in. Problem is introduced the moment you add them in that way since you’re trying to close a group that is not there.

We are currently looking into possible workaround to meet the expected result in Style. We will come back to you as soon as we have any news!


Thanks for the update! As long as the style doesn’t need tweaking though :thinking:
That’s my main concern…

Any latest update on this? :pray:


No update yet. We will keep you posted whenever we have a breakthrough.




We’re looking into a better fix, to include perhaps possible styles within a package (as that would leave out the need to alter current code in styles right now).

Nothing is defined just yet (nor decided), but we are very aware of this issue, and hope to solve this for you. We will also contact you personally to give a bit more background, but we wanted to put it here as well for others.