Requesting figures from the year 2016 when you are in 2017

Hi Sam,

In the model I’m building, I need figures from the 2nd previous year.
(in silverfin I am in the year 2017)
Current year is 2018
1st previous year is 2017
2nd previous year is 2016

The formula is:
Increase/decrease in liquidity = X of year Y – X of year (Y-1)
X = the amount of, for example ledger number 140000
Y = 1st previous year 2017
(Y-1) = 1st previous year 2017 - 1 is the year 2016

If X of year Y-1 is empty, then X is equal to 0.

Do you know how I can request figures from the year 2016 when I’m in 2017.


Hi @NickS,

Unless I’ve misunderstood your question, you can easily get the figures from the 2nd previous year by ‘period.minus_2y.accounts’, e.g.:

{% assign revenue_minus2 = period.minus_2y.accounts | range:“70” %}

{{ revenue_minus2 }}

Kind regards,

Hi @robindeclercq

Thank you.:smiley: