Result tag Vaste Activa : full net book value


I would like to link a own reconciliation to the “Vaste Activa” reconciliation from Silverfin.

I would like to get the total net book value of all (in)tangible assets (# 20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27).

I used the following tag : period.reconciliations.vaste_activa.results.mva_netto_bw

But this result tag is limited to #22-27.
How to add #20/21 ?
Which result tag I should use ?



Thank you for your question.

In order to proper get back to you, please, can you clarify which of the following do you require:

a) To link results from a custom template into “Vaste Activa” template.
Here is an explanation how to do it: CASE Annual Accounts (BE): link custom templates to Silverfin module of the Annual Accounts

b) or to use results from “Vaste Activa” template?


Why not use directly the value of the accounts and use f.e.:
{% assign netvalue = #20__27 %}
The variable netvalue will give you the amount you need
netvalue = {{ netvalue | currency }}


Indeed, I prepared a reconciliation which details depreciation for each assets, items by items.
As we had to select first accounts to display, I would like to be sure that we did not forget to select an account and that my depreciation table corresponds to the vaste activa table. It is why, I put a check at the end of the document to compare the net book value of items from my “depreciation table” to the net book value of the “vaste activa” model.

I used the following tag : period.reconciliations.vaste_activa.results.mva_netto_bw

But this result tag is limited to #22-27.
How to add #20/21 ?

Here is my code :

TABLEAU DES AMORTISSEMENTS {{ period.year_end_date|date:’%d/%m/%Y’ }}

{%if custom.invest.range == blank%}{%assign account_range = ‘20__27’%}{%else%}{%assign account_range = custom.invest.range%}{%endif%}

{%ic%}Sélectionner les comptes qui doivent apparaître : {%endic%}{%input custom.invest.range as:account_collection range:2 default:account_range%}

{% assign accounts = period.accounts.starred|range:account_range%}

{%for current_account in accounts%}

{%assign $22 = 0%}{%assign $23 = 0%}{%assign $24 = 0%}{%assign $25 = 0%}{%assign $26 = 0%}{%assign $27 = 0%}

|COMPTE |{{ current_account.number }}| {{|upcase }}||

{%capture style_titre_amort%}|:—20%—:|:—10%—:|:—6%—:|:—4%—:|:—10%—:|:—10%—:|:—10%—:|:—10%—:|:—10%—:|:—15%—:+{%endcapture%}

{%capture style_corps_amort%}|:—20%----|:—10%—:|:—6%—:|:—4%----:|----10%—:|—10%—:|—10%----:|----10%—:|----10%—:|—15%----:+{%endcapture%}

{% stripnewlines%}
|Date Acq.
à amortir
{%newline%}{{ style_titre_amort }}{% for detail in current_account.custom.details %}
{% capture investment_key %}investment_{{ current_account.mapped_number }}_{{ detail.key }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture investment_key_depreciations_cy %}{{ investment_key }}_depreciations_current_year{% endcapture %}
{% assign depreciation_current_year = current_account.results.[investment_key_depreciations_cy] %}
{%newline%}{{ style_corps_amort }}
|{{ detail.custom.title}}
|{{ |date:’%d/%m/%Y’}}
|{{ detail.custom.l_d }}
|{{ detail.custom.jr }}
|{%=$22+ detail.custom.value|currency %} {%$32+ detail.custom.value %}
|{%=$23+ detail.custom.vorige_afschr|currency %} {%$33+ detail.custom.vorige_afschr %}
|{{ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.vorige_afschr|currency }}{%$24+ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.vorige_afschr %}{%$34+ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.vorige_afschr %}
|{%=$25+ depreciation_current_year %} {%$35+ depreciation_current_year %}
|{{ detail.custom.vorige_afschr+depreciation_current_year|currency }}{%$26+ detail.custom.vorige_afschr+depreciation_current_year %}{%$36+ detail.custom.vorige_afschr+depreciation_current_year %}
|{{ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.vorige_afschr-depreciation_current_year|currency }}{%$27+ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.vorige_afschr-depreciation_current_year %}{%$37+ detail.custom.value-detail.custom.vorige_afschr-depreciation_current_year %}{%endfor%}
{%newline%}{{ style_corps_amort }}
|Total compte
|{{ $22|currency }}
|{{ $23|currency }}
|{{ $24|currency }}
|{{ $25|currency }}
|{{ $26|currency }}
|{{ $27|currency }}
{%newline%}{{ style_corps_amort }}
{%newline%}|||||{% endstripnewlines%}


{{ style_corps_amort }}
{{ style_corps_amort }}
{%stripnewlines%}|TOTAL EXERCICE
|{{ $32|currency }}
|{{ $33|currency }}
|{{ $34|currency }}
|{{ $35|currency }}
|{{ $36|currency }}
|{{ $37|currency }} {%assign report_valeur_nette = period.reconciliations.vaste_activa.results.mva_netto_bw %}{%assign check_total_valeurnette = $37-report_valeur_nette%}{% if ABS(check_total_valeurnette) <= 0.01 %}{%unreconciled 0 as:indicator%}{%else%}{% unreconciled check_total_valeurnette as:indicator %}{% endif %}
{{ style_corps_cession }}

Thank you for your answer.

First, I wanted to link my reconciliation to the vaste activa reconciliation in order to be sure that both reconciliations correspond.

With your solution I will be sure that all (in)tangible assets are full disclosed… It could be a good alternative…