Retrieve the tax rate for another template


Is there a way to retrieve the tax rate in another template? The 20 or 25% in 2018_tax_module.

Thanks a lot!


Hi Brice,

As you may already know, collecting values cross-templates is possible by using result-tags. This list contains the existing result-tags within the Tax Module.
However, the result-tag to the tax rates is not yet available.

We will assign your request to the designated team to investigate. Once the result-tag has been created, we will update the aforementioned list accordingly.

Kind regards


Thanks! It would also be cool to be able to retrieve code 1801 to know if we’re in the first 3 years of a small company.

Hello Brice,

The result tag 1801 can be retrieved from the “Company Specifics”, see 2018_company_specifics.

This should do:

{{ period.reconciliations.2018_company_specifics.results.code_1801_D0 }}

Kindly let us know whether that answers your request.

Kind regards


Is there any update on the creation of this result?

I would also need to access a result to determine if the reduced rate for the Corporate Tax applies in a company (boolean value for code 1754 of the tax return), but this code does not seem to be part of the current results list.

Hi @Prioflux,

The value for code 1754 of the tax return can be accessed by using the following results:

  • for resident companies: period.reconciliations.export.results.FirstBracketReducedRate2000_D
  • for non-resident companies: period.reconciliations.export.results.FirstBracketReducedRate2000ForeignCompany_D

Kind regards,

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Thanks @Kimberly_Vlietinck !