Syntax error in a permanent text?

Hi team,

we have a client that has this syntax error in one of their permanent text.
It’s a custom template but he send a ticket through support and doesn’t want to start a topic here.

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-14 om 18.17.41

Any idea why we see this error or would you need a deep dive in the code?



They are using an HTML tag for unordered lists <ul> which is not allowed in liquid templates at the moment.

They can use HTML tables by following this documentation.

Also, please let the user know that permanent texts are not going to be supported by Silverfin anymore and will soon be deprecated so we advise against using them.


Hi Borja,

What do you mean with “permanent texts are not going to be supported by Silverfin anymore and will soon be deprecated”. Will the whole section be deprecated are only the document “Bedrijfsparameter”. I assume we will be notifited when this happens, but it would be nice if we know these things a long time before as we are still creating and updating current texts. And I don’t remember that this was mentioned in the past.


Hi @Peter,

Thank you for reaching out to the Silverfin Community.

Please note that we are currently working on the update the of the Legal documents set. Next year these templates (including the Bedrijfsparameter template) will have a different template type, i.e. they will become reconciliation templates compared to the permanent text (current template type).

The previous version of the Legal documents, i.e. permanent text, will still be available in the Documents section in Silverfin. However, we will no longer make any updates on the permanent texts.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,
