Table of content


I have created a table of content with following code:
|:--80%--------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------:+{% for toc in export.toc %}{% assign title = toc.title%}{% if title == "title1" %}
|[<font size ="16">{% t "Title1" %}</font>](#{{toc.anchor}})      | [<font size ="16">{{ toc.number }}</font>](#{{toc.anchor}})

Now I want to create a second table of content so I split my document into two and use two table titles but if I create this table (code below) I Always get an error for the code {% for toc in export.toc %}. If I delete {% for toc in export.toc %} in my second table then it doesn’t display my page number anymore.

|:--80%--------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------:+{% for toc in export.toc %}{% assign title = toc.title%}{% if title == "title2" %}
|[<font size ="16">{% t "Title2" %}</font>](#{{toc.anchor}})      | [<font size ="16">{{ toc.number }}</font>](#{{toc.anchor}})

Can anyone helps me with this matter?


Hello @marnixcoudre,

Two different types of content are not possible but maybe you want to create one table of content but the attachments displayed in a different way?
