Table on two pages cut after a template in landscape on Export mode


I need your support on a issue related to a table with a number of rows that exceeds the capacity of one page. When this template follows another template in landscape mode, a blank page is added and the second template is shifted and cut.

For information, both templates are custom and on the first template, we set up the landscape mode like this:

{% if nbCol >= 5 %}
{% changeorientation “landscape” %}
{% endif %}

When the template is on portrait mode, we don’t have this issue.

Thanks by advance,

Hi @Safaa,

First of all welcome to our community!

The issue you are having is probably linked to the “Detail text” section in the style settings of the export style you are using.

Could you also include a code snippet of that?


P.S.: Here’s some information on how you can paste your code in a community post