Tag "winst/verlies huidig boekjaar"

i’m making a new texttemplate for “Verslag zaakvoerder art96,6” but i need the winst/verlies huidig boekjaar. This is calculated in the text “jaarverslag”, but this particular ammount doesn’t get a specified tag. now it’s calculated in $10. is it possible that we can use this ammount in another template?

|Winst (verlies) van het boekjaar |{{ $10 | currency }} |{% if previous_period.exists %}{{ $11 | currency }}|{{ $10-$11| currency }}|{{ ($10-$11)/$11 | percentage }}{% endif %}

Hello @Joyce,

to have those results, we create our own variables and link them to the accounts :

{% assign winst_verlies = #60__68+#70__78 %}
{% assign vorig_jaar = #690+#790 %}
{% assign te_bestemmen_winst_verlies = (#60__68+#70__78)+vorig_jaar %}
{% assign over_te_dragen = #14 %} 

However, you need to do that in every text though. But I guess this is exactly what you need. If not, let us know.