Can the result of a field in Vennootschapsbelasting be used in another template?


Is it possible to use the result of an inputfield in ‘Vennootschapsbelasting’ in another text template?
For instance:

Hi Sylvia,

This is possible by letting us know which template and which input you want to receive. Then we will be able to give you the right code.
We will facilitate this in the future so you can retrieve the code from the template itself.

What’s the name of the template where we can find the line you send in the screenshot?

Hi Sam

These are the ones we would like to use in a text template:

  1. Template Jaarrekening - Resultaatverwerking

  2. Template Vennootschapsbelasting - Belastingberekening


Hi @sylvia.debaeremaeker

these are the result tags :

  1. Template jaarrekening - Resultaatverwerking
    te bestemmen winst : period.reconciliations.vkt_4.results.9905

  2. Template Vennootschapsbelasting - Belastingberekening
    code 1080PN = period.reconciliations.2018_reserves_and_dividends.results.taxablereservedprofit
    code 1240 = period.reconciliations.2018_disallowed_expenses.results.disallowed_expenses_total
    code 1301 = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.results.ordinary_dividends
    code 1302 = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.acquisition_of_shares
    code 1303 = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.decease_partner
    code 1304 = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.distribution_assets
    code 1460 = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.taxable_at_normal_rate

For the prepayments, we only have the total amount of the 4 periods = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.total_prepayments

Boekhoudkundige winst na belasting dat is overgeboekt naar de liquidatiereserve = period.reconciliations.2018_assessment_and_taxcredit.custom.seperateassessments.attributionliquidationreserve * 0,10
Terug te krijgen belasting = period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.total_tax_due

Kind regards

Hi Sofie

Thank you very much!

Hi Sofie

Can you also give me the code for VenB - Belastinggerekening - Resterende te betalen belastingen?


Hi Sylvia

in fact you can find all the result tags. You can find how in this article :

Let us know if that worked for you!

Kind regards

Hi Sofie

I found the codes, but when I use them in the template, I don’t get the result.

De totale belasting op bovenstaand fiscaal resultaat bedraagt {{ period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.remaining_tax_due | currency }} EUR volgens de gedetailleerde berekening in de jaarrekeningbundel. Rekening houdend met de reeds verrichte voorafbetalingen van {{ period.reconciliations.2018_reserves_and_dividends.total_prepayments | currency }} EUR is er uiteindelijk een {% input custom.some.bedrag as:select options:“te betalen|terug te vorderen” %} bedrag aan belasting van {{ period.reconciliations.2018_tax_module.total_tax_due | currency }} EUR. Dat bedrag werd ook reeds als ‘geraamde belasting’ opgenomen in het resultaat van het boekjaar.

Hi @sylvia.debaeremaeker

nice that the function to find the codes works.

When you want to display the result in another template; you have to define that like this:

{{ period.reconciliations.prepayments.results.done_prepayments | currency }} 

so, {{ period.reconciliations.handle.results.result_tag_name }}

period : we do need to access the current period
reconciliations : to tell Silverfin to look at the recon templates
handle : of course we need to know which recon template, and we use the handle for that (unique for every recon template!)
results : this way, Silverfin will only read the result tags of that particular template
result_tag_name : the name of the specific result tag (done_prepayments)

It seems that the ‘results’ part is missing in your reference.

Hope this clears things out.

Kind regards