I made a new explanation template but when I want to export it (PDF) it shows an empty pdf?
Do I need to add an specific code?
{% nic %}{:/group}{% endnic %}
{% t= "Boekhouding" %}
{% t= "Gegevens fiscaal attest" %}
{% t= "Verschil" %}
{% t= "Totaal boekjaar" %}
{% t= "Bijvoeding|Medicatie|Incontinentie en verzorgingsmateriaal|Hospitalisatie|Dokter-specialist|Tandarts|Klinisch labo|Medisch vervoer|Kinesistherapie|Logopedie|Mutualiteitsbijdragen|Pedicure|Uitstappen|Wasserij|Haarverzorging|Diversen|Zakgelden|Doorstorten Huur" %}
{% capture translates_titles %}{% t "Bijvoeding|Medicatie|Incontinentie en verzorgingsmateriaal|Hospitalisatie|Dokter-specialist|Tandarts|Klinisch labo|Medisch vervoer|Kinesistherapie|Logopedie|Mutualiteitsbijdragen|Pedicure|Uitstappen|Wasserij|Haarverzorging|Diversen|Zakgelden|Doorstorten Huur" %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign rubrieken = 'Bijvoeding|Medicatie|Incontinentie en verzorgingsmateriaal|Hospitalisatie|Dokter-specialist|Tandarts|Klinisch labo|Medisch vervoer|Kinesistherapie|Logopedie|Mutualiteitsbijdragen|Pedicure|Uitstappen|Wasserij|Haarverzorging|Diversen|Zakgelden|Doorstorten Huur' | split:'|' %}
{% assign rubriek_titles = translates_titles | split:'|' %}
{% capture first_date %}{{ period.year_start_date | date:'%d/%m' }}{% endcapture %}
{% unless first_date == '01/01' %}{% assign first_date_broken = true %}{% endunless %}
{% assign previous_period = period.minus_1y %}
{% unless period.is_first_year %}
{% assign not_first_year = true %}
{% endunless %}
{% capture year_columns_seperator %}{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first and first_date_broken %}{% if previous_period.exists and not_first_year %}|{% endif %}{% endif %}|{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture def_columns %}|-------|-15%--|{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first and first_date_broken %}{% if previous_period.exists and not_first_year %}--15%---:|{% endif %}{% endif %}---15%----:|{% endfor %}---15%--:+{% endcapture %}
| | |{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first and first_date_broken %}{% if previous_period.exists and not_first_year %}01/01/{{ year.start_date | date:'%Y' }}<br>{{ year.start_date-1 | date:'%d/%m/%Y' }}|{% endif %}{% endif %}{{ year.start_date | date:'%d/%m/%Y' }}<br>{{ year.end_date | date:'%d/%m/%Y' }}|{% endfor %} {% t "Totaal boekjaar" %}|
{{ def_columns }}
{% for rubriek in rubrieken %}
{{ def_columns }}{% assign key_attest = rubriek | append:'_attest' %}{% ifi custom[key_attest] != empty %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}
| **{{ rubriek_titles[forloop.index0] }}**
| **{% t "Boekhouding" %}** {% assign key_boekh = rubriek | append:'_boekh' %}{% input custom[key_boekh].numbers as:account_collection range:616800,705100,600460,600461,705196,616900,705120,616400,705640,600640,705114,600410,705191,616500,704650,616700,704640,616320,704613,616200,704620,616280,704612,616300,704630,616101,704611,616100,704610,616000,704600,600160,704017,600180,600109,704010,600070,704007,616800,705100 accounts_var:accounts %}{%
for account in accounts %}
| {% linkto account %}{{ account.number }} {{ account.name }}{% endlinkto %} | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}
| | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} **{{ $1 | currency }}**{% ifi $0-$1 != 0 %}
| **{% t "Verschil" %}** | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} **{{$0-$1 | currency}}**{% assign key_verklr = rubriek | append:'_verklr' %}{% fori explanation in custom[key_verklr] %}
|{% input explanation.description %}|{% input explanation.file as:file %}| {{ year_columns_seperator }}{% $2+input explanation.value as:currency placeholder:0 %}{%
endfori %}
| | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} {% assign unexplained_value = $0-$1-$2 %} {% unexplained unexplained_value as:indicator %} **{{ unexplained_value | currency }}**{% endifi %}
|{% endifi %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
{% endcomment %}
{{ def_columns }}{% fori extra in custom.extra_rubrieken %}{% assign rubriek = extra.key %}{% assign key_attest = rubriek | append:'_attest' %}{% ifi custom[key_attest] != empty %}{% assign $0 = 0 %}{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}
| **{% input extra.description %}** {% if extra.persisted %}
| **{% t "Gegevens fiscaal attest" %}** {% fori explanation in custom[key_attest] %}{% assign $10 = 0 %}
|{% input explanation.description %}|{% input explanation.file as:file size:mini %}|{% for year in period.calendar_years %}{% if forloop.first and first_date_broken %}{% if previous_period.exists and not_first_year %}{% input explanation.value_first as:currency placeholder:0%}|{% endif %}{% endif %}{% $10+input explanation[forloop.index] as:currency placeholder:0%}|{% endfor %} {% =$0+ $10 %} {% endfori %}
| | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} **{{ $0 | currency }}**
| **{% t "Boekhouding" %}** {% assign key_boekh = rubriek | append:'_boekh' %}{% input custom[key_boekh].numbers as:account_collection range:6,7 accounts_var:accounts %}{%
for account in accounts %}
| {% linkto account %}{{ account.number }} {{ account.name }}{% endlinkto %} | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} {%=$1+ account.value %}{% endfor %}
| | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} **{{ $1 | currency }}**{% ifi $0-$1 != 0 %}
| **{% t "Verschil" %}** | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} **{{$0-$1 | currency}}**{% assign key_verklr = rubriek | append:'_verklr' %}{% fori explanation in custom[key_verklr] %}
|{% input explanation.description %}|{% input explanation.file as:file %}| {{ year_columns_seperator }}{% $2+input explanation.value as:currency placeholder:0 %}{%
endfori %}
| | | {{ year_columns_seperator }} {% assign unexplained_value = $0-$1-$2 %} {% unexplained unexplained_value as:indicator %} **{{ unexplained_value | currency }}**{% endifi %}
|{% endif %}{% endifi %}{% endfori %}
{% nic %}{::group}{% endnic %}