We are displaying the name of the company and the name of the representative at the bottom of a balance text.
Can we also display the chosen “function in the company” from the legal documents - shareholders/Associates?
Hi @Maarten
Yes, that information is also stored on the people drop, however as a numeric code for XBRL purposes.
A colleague with more knowledge on the Legal documents will come back to you on this.
Kind regards,
Hey @Maarten
The dropdown function from the shareholders/directors does indeed return the XBRL code instead of the translated description of the title. In order to get the description, you can use the code snippet below to get the correct description belonging to the XBRL code like this (also accounts for the default logic we have in that template):
{% t="t_10" default:"Voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur" fr:"Président du Conseil d'Administration" en:"Chairman of the board of directors" %}
{% t="t_11" default:"Ondervoorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur" fr:"Vice-président du conseil d'administration" en:"Vice-Chairman of the board of directors" %}
{% t="t_13" default:"Bestuurder" fr:"Administrateur" en:"Director" %}
{% t="t_14" default:"Gedelegeerd Bestuurder" fr:"Administrateur délégué" en:"Managing Director" %}
{% t="t_20" default:"Bestuurder-zaakvoerder" fr:"Administrateur-gérant" en:"Director-Manager" %}
{% t="t_30" default:"Zaakvoerder" fr:"Gérant" en:"Manager" %}
{% t="t_30_woman" default:"Zaakvoerder" fr:"Gérante" en:"Manager" %}
{% t="t_40" default:"Vennoot" fr:"Associé" en:"Partner" %}
{% t="t_60" default:"Voorzitter van de Raad van Commissarissen" fr:"Président du Collège des Commissaires" en:"Chairman of the Supervisory Board" %}
{% t="t_61" default:"Commissaris" fr:"Commissaire" en:"Commissioner" %}
{% t="t_63" default:"Regeringscommissaris" fr:"Commissaire du Gouvernement" en:"Government Commissioner" %}
{% t="t_70" default:"Externe accountant" fr:"Expert-comptable externe" en:"External Accountant" %}
{% t="t_71" default:"Bedrijfsrevisor" fr:"Réviseur d'entreprise" en:"Auditor" %}
{% t="t_72" default:"Erkende boekhouder" fr:"Comptable agréé" en:"Certified Accountant" %}
{% t="t_73" default:"Erkende boekhouder-fiscalist" fr:"Comptable-fiscaliste agréé" en:"Certified Tax Accountant" %}
{% t="t_80" default:"Vereffenaar" fr:"Liquidateur" en:"Liquidator" %}
{% t="t_81" default:"Curator" fr:"Curateur" en:"Curator" %}
{% t="t_other_1" default:"Wettelijke vertegenwoordiger" fr:"Représentant légal" en:"Legal Representative" %}
{% t="t_other_2" default:"Persoon belast met dagelijks bestuur" fr:"Personne chargée de la gestion quotidienne" en:"Person in charge of daily management" %}
{% t="t_other_3" default:"Statutaire Bestuurder" fr:"Administrateur statutaire" en:"Statutory Director" %}
{% t="t_other_4" default:"Bewindvoerder" fr:"Administrateur judiciaire" en:"Administrator" %}
{% t="t_other_5" default:"Voorzitter van het Bestuursorgaan" fr:"Président de l'organe d'administration" en:"Chairman of the Governing Body" %}
{% for person in period.people %}
{% comment %}for each person, create a default function {% endcomment %}
{% assign default_function = "" %}
{% if person.shareholder %}
{% if person.director %}
{% case company_form %}
{% when 'MAATSCHAP' or 'VOF' or 'COMMV' %}
{% assign default_function = "30" %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "13" %}
{% endcase %}
{% elsif person.statutory == true %}
{% if NV or CVBA or CVOA or VZW %}
{% assign default_function = "14" %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "30" %}
{% endif %}
{% elsif person.custom.auditor or person.custom.chairman_or_secretary_or_scrutineer %}
{% if NV or CVBA or CVOA or VZW %}
{% assign default_function = 13 %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "30" %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "" %}
{% endif %}
{% elsif person.director %}
{% case company_form %}
{% when 'MAATSCHAP' or 'VOF' or 'COMMV' %}
{% assign default_function = "30" %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "13" %}
{% endcase %}
{% else %}
{% if person.statutory == true %}
{% if NV or CVBA or CVOA or VZW %}
{% assign default_function = "14" %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "30" %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if NV or CVBA or CVOA or VZW %}
{% assign default_function = 13 %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_function = "30" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign person_function_code = person.custom.function | default:default_function %}
{% capture person_function_key %}t_{{ person_function_code }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture person_function_name %}{% endcapture %}
{% if person_function_code != blank %}
{% capture person_function_name %}{% t person_function_key %}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
person_function_code: {{ person_function_code }}
person_function_name: {{ person_function_name }}
{% endfor %}
Hope this helps!
Kind regards
Yes, this is working for me.
By using the following code, we place the directors at the bottom of the balance sheet. These directors are derived from the legal reporting.
{% stripnewlines %}
|:----33%----|:----33%----:|--------:+ {% newline %}
{% assign tellercolumns = 0 %}
{% for person in period.directors %}
{% if person.persisted %}
{% capture person_id %}person_{{ person.id }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign person_type = person.custom.type | default:default_type %}
{% assign shareholder = person.shareholder | default:false %}
{% assign director = person.director | default:false %}
{% assign statutory = person.statutory | default:false %}
{% if person_type == "legal" %}
{{ person.name }}<br>
{% t 'Vertegenwoordigd door' %}<br>
{{ person.custom.represented_by_name }}
{% elsif person_type == "nature" %}
{{ person.custom.first_name | capitalize}} {{ person.custom.last_name | upcase }}
{% else %}
{{ person.custom.first_name | capitalize}} {{ person.custom.last_name | upcase }}
{% endif %}
{% assign tellercolumns = tellercolumns+1 %}
{% if tellercolumns == 3 %}
{% assign tellercolumns = 0 %}
{% newline %}
|<br>||{% newline %}
|<br>||{% newline %}
|<br>||{% newline %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endstripnewlines %}
But we are experiencing something strange.
When generating this document, these data are often not visible.
But if we change the type of director in the legal reporting overview of shareholders and directors (for example, from legal entity to natural person) and save it, and then change this type again (from natural person back to legal entity) and save it again,
then these directors are correctly displayed under the balance sheet.
It seems that the data from the legal reporting can only be used within a document if we first make an adjustment to the directors, and this needs to be done for each director.
Hi @Maarten ,
I believe the issue is that you’re missing the default logic for this line:
{% assign person_type = person.custom.type | default:default_type %}
If you add the code to determine the default_type
variable, then the issue should be solved:
{% assign default_type = "" %}
{% if person.custom.represented_by_name != blank %}
{% assign default_type = "legal" %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_type = "nature" %}
{% endif %}
{% assign person_type = person.custom.type | default:default_type %}
Kind regards