CASE: add extra check to reconcile template

It happens that some templates are reconciled as soon as data is filled in, no matter what is filled in.
For instance, a template that features all directors with some additional info:

But I’d rather have someone check this info again, as I’m not able to built in extra logic. Take the field name and first name: you cannot built in logic if the data there is correct or not.

In cases like this, I’d like to have my template be unreconciled to someone has to do an extra check on it, to reconcile it afterwards.

In every Silverfin-template, you have the option to create your own coding through the extra configuration box: this will create coding that will be seen on top of the template

On firm level, just click on the template and scroll down:

Under configuration you can create your code

In our case, we can use something like this:

{% comment %}create indicator to visualise that boolean needs to be checked in order for the template to be reconciled - we store this in the local var "check_ind": when it is different from zero, template will never be reconciled{% endcomment %}
{% if custom.extra.check == true %}
  {% assign check_ind = 0 %}
{% else %}
  {% assign check_ind = 1 %}
{% endif %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% unreconciled check_ind as:indicator %} {% comment %}will show green dot if local var "check_ind" is ZERO - if not, red triangle{% endcomment %}
{% ic %}
{% input custom.extra.check as:boolean %}
{% if custom.extra.check == true %} {% comment %}display name and when if the boolean has been checked!{% endcomment %}
by  {{ }} on  {{ custom.extra.check.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}
{% endif %}
{% endic %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% comment %}info text for users{% endcomment %}
{% ic %}
Please check above after everything has been reviewed, in order to reconcile the template. 
{% endic %} 

Pasting this code to our template will result in this:

Our template now can never be reconciled unless someone checks it for review.

:bangbang: Watch it :bangbang:

If you add this coding to your template, this will result in an unreconciled template in every company! So workflows that were 100% are not anymore.

If you want to avoid this, you could built in extra coding that creates the extra check when a new fiscal year is the case:

{% comment %}check fiscal year - extra check is only for files in the fiscal year 2019 or later{% endcomment %}
{% assign fiscal_y = period.fiscal_year %}
{% if fiscal_y >= "2019" %}
  {% assign show_check = true %}
{% else %}
  {% assign show_check = false %}
{% endif %}

{% if show_check %} {% comment %}show check when fiscal year == 2018 or later{% endcomment %}

{% comment %}create indicator to visualise that boolean needs to be checked in order for the template to be reconciled - we store this in the local var "check_ind": when it is different from zero, template will never be reconciled{% endcomment %}
{% if custom.extra.check == true %}
  {% assign check_ind = 0 %}
{% else %}
  {% assign check_ind = 1 %}
{% endif %}

{% stripnewlines %}
{% unreconciled check_ind as:indicator %} {% comment %}will show green dot if local var "check_ind" is ZERO - if not, red triangle{% endcomment %}
{% ic %}
{% input custom.extra.check as:boolean %}
{% if custom.extra.check == true %} {% comment %}display name and when if the boolean has been checked!{% endcomment %}
by  {{ }} on  {{ custom.extra.check.updated_at | date:"%d/%m/%Y" }}
{% endif %}
{% endic %}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% comment %}info text for users{% endcomment %}
{% ic %}
Please check above after everything has been reviewed, in order to reconcile the template. 
{% endic %}

{% endif %} {% comment %}END of if show_check statement{% endcomment %}

You could check on something different than the fiscal year of course, for instance on a date.

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