Creating text refferencing to "the directors/managers in the Update Report to the managing director(s)/board of directors"


We are trying to create a text while refferencing to the directors/managers in the Update Report to the managing director(s)/board of directors. We are using a copy of the liquid code from this report.

Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work.

Here’s is a copy of the code we are using from your report:

{% comment %}WHO IS PRESENT{% endcomment %}
{% nic %}
{% endnic %}
{% comment %}warning if date is not filled up{% endcomment %}
{% if period.custom.mod.datum == blank %}
{% assign show_no_options = true %}
{% capture warning_representant %}
{% ic %}
{::warningtext as=“hover”}
Datum verslag dient ingevuld te worden voor correcte weergave
{% endic %}
{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}

{% if new_company_law %}

{% case director_type %}
{% when ‘board_of_directors’ %}

{% unless show_no_options %}
De volgende leden van het bestuursorgaan zijn aanwezig of vertegenwoordigd:
{% for name in zkv_names %}
{% capture name_id %}{{ name | replace: ‘.’,’’ | replace: ’ ‘,’’ | remove:’-’ }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.[name_id].attendance as:boolean default:true %}{% endic %}{% assign name_attendance = period.custom.[name_id].attendance | default:true %}{% if name_attendance %}{% nic %}{% endnic %} {{ name }}{% else %}{% assign not_all_present = true %}{% ic %}{{ name }}*{% endic %}{% capture not_present_var %}not_present_{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}{% assign [not_present_var] = name %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}

{% when ‘manager’ %}

Ondergetekende oefent, als enig zaakvoerder, de bevoegdheden van het bestuursorgaan van de vennootschap uit.

{% when ‘managers’ %}

{% unless show_no_options %}
De volgende zaakvoerders zijn aanwezig of vertegenwoordigd:
{% fori name in zkv_names %}
{% capture name_id %}{{ name | replace: ‘.’,’’ | replace: ’ ‘,’’ | remove:’-’ }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.[name_id].attendance as:boolean default:true %}{% endic %}{% assign name_attendance = period.custom.[name_id].attendance | default:true %}{% if name_attendance %}{% nic %}{% endnic %} {{ name }}{% else %}{% assign not_all_present = true %}{% ic %}{{ name }}*{% endic %}{% capture not_present_var %}not_present_{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}{% assign [not_present_var] = name %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}
{% endunless %}

{% when ‘collegiate_body’ %}

{% unless show_no_options %}
De volgende leden van het bestuursorgaan zijn aanwezig of vertegenwoordigd:
{% fori name in zkv_names %}
{% capture name_id %}{{ name | replace: ‘.’,’’ | replace: ’ ‘,’’ | remove:’-’ }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.[name_id].attendance as:boolean default:true %}{% endic %}{% assign name_attendance = period.custom.[name_id].attendance | default:true %}{% if name_attendance %}{% nic %}{% endnic %} {{ name }}{% else %}{% assign not_all_present = true %}{% ic %}{{ name }}*{% endic %}{% capture not_present_var %}not_present_{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}{% assign [not_present_var] = name %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}
{% endunless %}

{% when ‘director’ %}

Ondergetekende oefent de bevoegdheden van het bestuursorgaan van de vennootschap uit.

{% else %}

{% stripnewlines %}
| Aanwezig/vertegenwoordigd: {{ warning_representant }}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% unless show_no_options %}
{% fori name in zkv_names %}
{% capture name_id %}{{ name | replace: ‘.’,’’ | replace: ’ ‘,’’ | remove:’-’ }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.[name_id].attendance as:boolean default:true %}{% endic %}{% assign name_attendance = period.custom.[name_id].attendance | default:true %}{% if name_attendance %}{% nic %}{% endnic %} {{ name }}{% else %}{% assign not_all_present = true %}{% ic %}{{ name }}*{% endic %}{% capture not_present_var %}not_present_{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}{% assign [not_present_var] = name %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}
{% endunless %}

{% endcase %}

{% else %}

{% case director_type %}
{% when ‘zaakvoerder’ %}
Heden {{ default_text_meeting_place }} van de vennootschap oefent ondergetekende, als enig zaakvoerder, de bevoegdheden van het bestuursorgaan van de vennootschap uit.
{% when ‘zaakvoerders’ %}

{% stripnewlines %}
| Aanwezig: {{ warning_representant }}
{% endstripnewlines %}

{% unless show_no_options %}
{% if commissaris %}{% if college %}De volgende leden van het college{% else %}De volgende zaakvoerders{% endif %}{% else %}De volgende zaakvoerders{% endif %} zijn aanwezig of vertegenwoordigd:
{% fori name in zkv_names %}
{% capture name_id %}{{ name | replace: ‘.’,’’ | replace: ’ ‘,’’ | remove:’-’ }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.[name_id].attendance as:boolean default:true %}{% endic %}{% assign name_attendance = period.custom.[name_id].attendance | default:true %}{% if name_attendance %}{% nic %}{% endnic %} {{ name }}{% else %}{% assign not_all_present = true %}{% ic %}{{ name }}*{% endic %}{% capture not_present_var %}not_present_{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}{% capture [not_present_var] %}{{ name }}{% endcapture %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}
{% endunless %}

Indien leden worden vertegenwoordigd, worden deze volmachten aan de notulen gehecht.

{% when ‘bestuurder’ %}
Heden {{ default_text_meeting_place }} van de vennootschap oefent ondergetekende, als enig bestuurder, de bevoegdheden van het bestuursorgaan van de vennootschap uit.
{% when ‘bestuurders’ %}

{% stripnewlines %}
| Aanwezig/vertegenwoordigd: {{ warning_representant }}
{% endstripnewlines %}
{% unless show_no_options %}
{% fori name in zkv_names %}
{% capture name_id %}{{ name | replace: ‘.’,’’ | replace: ’ ‘,’’ | remove:’-’ }}{% endcapture %}
{% ic %}{% input period.custom.[name_id].attendance as:boolean default:true %}{% endic %}{% assign name_attendance = period.custom.[name_id].attendance | default:true %}{% if name_attendance %}{% nic %}{% endnic %} {{ name }}{% else %}{% assign not_all_present = true %}{% ic %}{{ name }}*{% endic %}{% capture not_present_var %}not_present_{{ forloop.index }}{% endcapture %}{% capture [not_present_var] %}{{ name }}{% endcapture %}{% endif %}
{% endfori %}
{% endunless %}

{% endcase %}

{% endif %}

Hi @JonasVanGyseghem,

Happy to help! However, in order for us to really understand your question, could you elaborate a bit more what you actually want to get from the Report to the managing director(s)/board of directors (as preparation for the GM)?


Kind regards,

Hi Robin,

Sorry for the shortage of information.

With this string of code we are trying to show the directors en managers who are present at the assembly. An exact copy of what already is present in the managing directors’s report.


Hi @JonasVanGyseghem,

Thanks for the additional explanation :slight_smile:

I think the part of code you need is not the part you copy pasted in your original message, but rather the part where the array zkv_names is being created (i.e. Part of code that starts with

{% comment %}Define the directors{% endcomment %}

and ends with

{% assign zkv_names = names | split:“|” %}
{% assign zkv_keys = keys | split:“|” %}
{% assign zkv_signatures = signatures | split:“|” %}

The array zkv_names contains all directors. You can loop through this array and present the separate directors in any way you want.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,