Eenmanszaken - Beroepskosten


We would like to use the workflow ‘eenmanszaak’.
However, at present we already use the template ‘beroepskosten’ in all our files until 2023.
If we want to use this workflow, we have to change the same template ‘beroepskosten’ to office level but this will pose a problem with the current operation in our files?
I had asked Silverfin if there was a solution to this and got the following reply:

Hi Nadja,

Thank you for your patience!

It is possible to keep your configuration for certain periods and create new ones from a certain period onwards. For this, you will need to add the following code at the office level in the configuration:

At the top of the configuration box: variables related to the period:

{% assign end_by = period.year_end_date | date:“%F” %}
{% assign ty_2024 = “2023-12-31” | date:“%F” %}

Around configuration: an if-statement:

{% if end_by >= ty_2024 %}
(config for TY 2024 onwards)
{% else %}
(config before TY 2024)
{% endif %}

Can’t this be solved in some other way? A copy of our original template or starting with a new template in 2024?
If the new template doesn’t work, I want to be able to fall back on our old template. Also, I don’t want to lose any information in previous years.

There is no need to adjust yet as we are yet to start ourselves.


Hi @Nadja

the change to your configuration is the best way to ensure you don’t lose any data actually.
It’s still the exact same template, so it still holds all your data in previous periods.
If you were to create a copy, a new template, it will be empty in previous periods.
Data would be spread across two similar templates, which from experience, is recipe for disaster.

If you want to make it clear to users that you’re using a new config and you may be removing it/switching it back if you’re unhappy, you could add an info- or even a warningtext in all your 2024 files. I’ve added a simple example below.

{% assign end_by = period.year_end_date | date:“%F” %}
{% assign ty_2024 = “2023-12-31” | date:“%F” %}

{% if end_by >= ty_2024 %}
(config for TY 2024 onwards)

{% ic %}{::warningtext}
Vanaf 2024 testen we de nieuwe configuratie voor Beroepskosten.
De template is onderheving aan veranderingen tot [00/00/2024].
Bij feedback graag een seintje aan ...@...
{:/warningtext}{% endic %}

{% else %}
(config before TY 2024)
{% endif %}

If you’re unhappy with the new config, you can just remove it. Your data in previous periods will not have changed, but you may have to redo some of the work you did in 2024 files.

Kind regards,