Header title page report


I have a little question concerning the header (and footer) on our reports. Until some months ago, the header and footer were printed also on our title page. Suddenly they were no longer printed on the first page (title page) of all our reports, only on the detail text pages. We did not change anything on the liquid code or other settings. We contacted our SIlverfin contact person, but it seems this kind of questions have to be asked here.

I will sent hereafter an example of the old/new situation and the code that is used in the reports:


Title page

Detail text page


Title page

Detail text page


Detail text

{% capture sf_default_detail_template %}
{% raw %}
{% unless current_account.details == empty %}
|----------------------------------------------------------|---14%----:+{% for detail in current_account.details %}
| {{detail.title}}{% if detail.custom.text != blank %}<br/>{{detail.custom.text | multiline_table}}{% endif %}{% if detail.custom.document %}<br>{% input detail.custom.doc as:file %}{% endif %} |{% if forloop.last %}_{%endif %}{% if current_account.liability_or_income %}{{-1*detail.value | currency}}{% else %}{{detail.value | currency}}{% endif %}{% if forloop.last %}_{%endif %}{% endfor %}
|  |  ***{% if current_account.liability_or_income %}{{ -1*current_account.details_sum | currency }}{% else %}{{ current_account.details_sum | currency }}{% endif %}***
{% endunless %}
{% endraw %}
{% endcapture %}

{% for account_or_text in export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts.assets %}

{% if account_or_text.is_account %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">I. Activa</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}


{% else %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">I. Activa</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% for account_or_text in export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts.liabilities %}

{% if account_or_text.is_account %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">II. Passiva</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}


{% else %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">II. Passiva</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% for account_or_text in export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts.7 %}

{% if account_or_text.is_account %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">III. Opbrengsten</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}


{% else %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">III. Opbrengsten</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}

***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% for account_or_text in export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts.6 %}

{% if account_or_text.is_account %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">IV. Kosten</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}


***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}


{% else %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}

# <font size="16">IV. Kosten</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}

***{{ account_or_text.name | upcase }}***

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% assign taxtech_accounts_and_reconciliations = export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts | range:"taxtech_" %}

{% for account_or_text in taxtech_accounts_and_reconciliations %}

{% if account_or_text.is_account %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
# <font size="16">{% t "Fiscale toelichting" %}</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}

| <font color="{{export.highlight_alt_text_color}}"><font color="{{export.highlight_alt_text_color}}">{{ account_or_text.number }} {{ account_or_text.name }}</font></font> | <font color="{{export.highlight_alt_text_color}}">{{ account_or_text.value | currency }}</font>

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% else %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
# <font size="16">{% t "Fiscale toelichting" %}</font>
{% else %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}

|<font color="{{export.highlight_alt_text_color}}">{{ account_or_text.name }}</font>

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% comment %}As requested in https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/879326838/67590{% endcomment %}
{% for account_or_text in export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts.9 %}
{% unless forloop.first %}{% newpage %}{% endunless %}
{% comment %}Removed because Intercom#20378434918: {% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endcomment %}
{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}
{% endfor %}

{% comment %}BE legal docs{% endcomment %}
{% assign be_legal_docs_accounts_and_reconciliations = export.selected_accounts_and_reconciliation_texts | range:"be_legal_" %}

{% for account_or_text in be_legal_docs_accounts_and_reconciliations %}

{% if forloop.first %}
{% if new_page %}{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}{% endif %}{% assign new_page = true %}
{% changeorientation account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% else %}
{% newpage account_or_text.preferred_orientation %}
{% endif %}

{{ account_or_text.rendered_template }}



{% endfor %}

Header text

{% comment %}Show the correct RPR{% endcomment %}
{% assign courts_array = "31;Brussel, Franstalige|32;Brussel, Nederlandstalige|3;Antwerpen, afdeling Antwerpen|10;Antwerpen, afdeling Hasselt|17;Antwerpen, afdeling Mechelen|25;Antwerpen, afdeling Tongeren|27;Antwerpen, afdeling Turnhout|30;Eupen|5;Gent, afdeling Brugge|7;Gent, afdeling Dendermonde|9;Gent, afdeling Gent|12;Gent, afdeling Ieper|13;Gent, afdeling Kortrijk|22;Gent, afdeling Oostende|23;Gent, afdeling Oudenaarde|29;Gent, afdeling Veurne|14;Leuven|4;Liège, afdeling Arlon|8;Liège, afdeling Dinant|11;Liège, afdeling Huy|15;Liège, afdeling Liège|16;Liège, afdeling Marche-en-Famenne|19;Liège, afdeling Namur|20;Liège, afdeling Neufchâteau|28;Liège, afdeling Verviers|6;Hainaut, afdeling Charleroi|18;Hainaut, afdeling Mons|26;Hainaut, afdeling Tournai|21;Waals-Brabant, afdeling Nijvel" | split:"|" %}

{% comment %}the string value RPR is pushed to company.custom.rpr.name while the XBRL code is to company.custom.rpr.naam{% endcomment %}
{% assign full_name_rpr = company.custom.rpr.name %}
{% assign code_rpr = company.custom.rpr.naam %}

{% comment %}RPR from the dropdown is shown, otherwise the string is shown{% endcomment %}
{% if code_rpr == blank %}
  {% assign rpr_naam = full_name_rpr %}
{% else %}
  {% if code_rpr != blank %}
    {% for court in courts_array %}
      {% assign court_array = court | split:";" %}
      {% assign code = court_array[0] %}
      {% assign name = court_array[1] %}
      {% if INT(code_rpr) == INT(code) %}
        {% assign rpr_naam = name %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if rpr_naam != blank %}
  {% assign rpr_naam = rpr_naam | prepend:"RPR. " %}
{% endif %}

|             |                 | {% capture header_text %}{{export.header_text}}{% endcapture %}{% assign words = header_text | split: ' ' %}{{ words[0] }} {{ words[1] }}
|**{{company.name }} {{company.company_form}}** | Balans op {{period.end_date | date: '%d/%m/%Y' | upcase}}  | {{company.vat_identifier}}
|{{company.street}} <br> {{company.city}}| | {{rpr_naam}}


We want the header and footer back on all the pages.

Hi @TomVDW

There’s nothing wrong with the code.
I tried it on a new style, both the title page style element and the title page that you can activate on a group of accounts will print with this header.

Of course, it won’t print on the cover page.

Can you try to create a new style with the same liquid code and run a few exports?

Kind regards,

Hi Romy,

I tried this, but without any change. I even created a new style from scratch with the same liquid code.
The header appears on the bookmark page and detail pages but not on the title page. Very strange.

Hi @TomVDW

I had a look in your firm and all the style settings and can see that you are absolutely right.
I’m going to check internally if this was a deliberate change on our end to remove headers and footers from title pages.

You could add the header text in the liquid code of the title page, but it will of course not sit in the exact same spot (due to the margins) and will be a different font size.

I will come back to you with an update soon.
Kind regards,

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