Cover letter - begeleidend schrijven bij jaarrapport (NL)

Below you can find an example of a cover letter that can be send to the client, along with the management report (jaarbundel).

Create variables to take along in the report text :

{% assign winst_verlies = -#60__68-#70__78 %}

Use this variable in a text :

sluit met een 
{% if winst_verlies >= 0%} te bestemmen winst 
{% else %} te verwerken verlies 
{% endif %}
 van het boekjaar van **EUR {{ winst_verlies | currency }}**.

The complete example of a cover letter :

<table class="usr-width-100">
      <th class="usr-width-60"></th>
      <th class="usr-width-30"></th>
      <th class="usr-width-10"></th>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class="usr-align-left">{{ }} {{ company.company_form }}</td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class="usr-align-left">{{ company.street }}</td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class="usr-align-left">{{ }}</td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class="" colspan="3"></td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class="usr-align-left">Gent, {{'today' | date: '%d %B %Y' }}</td>
      <td class=""></td>
      <td class="" colspan="3"></td>
      <td class="" colspan="3"></td>



**_A. Opdracht_**

In navolging van onze werkzaamheden hebben wij de cijfers opgemaakt 
**{{period.year_start_date | date: '%-d %B %Y' }}** tot **{{period.end_date | date: '%-d %B %Y'}}** 
van de **{{company.company_form | upcase}} {{ | upcase }}**  op basis van de door
 u verstrekte gegevens.

De verantwoordelijkheid voor de juistheid en volledigheid van die gegevens en 
de hierop gebaseerde cijfers over deze periode berust bij de leiding van de vennootschap.


{% input custom.opdrachtbrief.opdracht as:text default:' ' size:mini %}


_**B. Werkzaamheden**_

Onze werkzaamheden bestonden, in hoofdzaak uit het verzamelen, verwerken, rubriceren en 
samenvatten van financiële gegevens.

De aard en omvang van deze werkzaamheden brengen met zich mee dat zij niet kunnen 
resulteren in de zekerheid omtrent de getrouwheid van de cijfers over de periode 
{{period.year_start_date | date: '%-d %B %Y' }} tot {{period.end_date | date: '%-d %B %Y'}}.

Onze opdracht bestaat er niet in om de echtheid na te gaan van de bedragen en documenten 
die ons zijn overgemaakt, noch van de inhoud en de conformiteit met de wettelijke bepalingen 
van akten, contracten, inventarissen, facturen en bewijsstukken van welke aard ook, die ons 
zijn toevertrouwd of voorgelegd als zijnde bewijskrachtige stukken.

Bovendien hebben wij niet als opdracht om de juistheid, volledigheid, getrouwheid of 
wettelijkheid van de jaarrekening te verifiëren of te attesteren.

Niettegenstaande het voormelde verzoeken wij het bestuursorgaan om ons per kerende 
en schriftelijk op de hoogte te brengen van eventuele onvolledigheden, onjuistheden of 
andere opmerkingen die het bestuursorgaan in de jaarrekening en het Jaarrapport zou 
vaststellen en die de getrouwheid van de jaarrekening en het Jaarrapport in het gedrang 
zou kunnen brengen.

{% input custom.opdrachtbrief.werkzaamheden as:text default:' ' size:mini %}


_**C. Bevestiging**_

Op basis van de ons verstrekte gegevens hebben wij de cijfers over de periode 
**{{period.year_start_date | date: '%-d %B %Y' }}** tot **{{period.end_date | date: '%-d %B %Y'}}** 
samengesteld. De jaarrekening waarvan de balanstotalen **EUR {{ period.accounts.assets.value | currency }}** 
bedragen, sluit met een {% if winst_verlies >= 0%} te bestemmen winst {% else %} te verwerken 
verlies {% endif %} van het boekjaar van **EUR {{ winst_verlies | currency }}**.

De resultaatbestemming werd reeds in de balans verwerkt.

Alvorens publicatie en neerlegging van de jaarrekening, wordt deze eerst nog besproken met {{ director_type }} en na goedkeuring van de algemene vergadering neergelegd.

{% input custom.opdrachtbrief.bevestiging as:text default:' ' size:mini %}


Steeds bereid tot andere toelichting,

Met vriendelijke groeten


{% input custom.opdrachtbrief.naam %}
{% input custom.opdrachtbrief.functie %}

This case has been updated on 03/10/2022 to include HTML tables.

1 Like

Hi There,

We are new here and love this letter. thanks for making it.
However we want to set at the bottem also the name of the manager/director of the company

Like this
Sven Grosemans handtekening zaakvoerder ter kennisname

how do i create a tab in silverfin?

Hi Sven,

In most environments, the directors are available as period.directors, so you could do something very similar to the what’s done in ‘het verslag van de zaakvoerders’:

{% case director_type %}{% when 'zaakvoerder' %}Handtekening zaakvoerder,{% when 'zaakvoerders' %}Handtekeningen zaakvoerders,{% else %}Handtekeningen bestuurders,{% endcase %}

{% assign columns = 3 %}
{% assign aantal_zaakvoerders = period.directors.count %}
{% if aantal_zaakvoerders > columns %}{% assign aantal_kolommen = columns %}{% else %}{% assign aantal_kolommen = aantal_zaakvoerders %}{% endif %}

|{% for i in (1..aantal_kolommen) %}----{{ 100/aantal_kolommen | integer }}%------|{% endfor %}+
|{% for zaakvoerder in period.directors  %}{{ }}<br>{% if director_type == 'bestuurders' %}{% if zaakvoerder.statutory == true %}Gedelegeerd bestuurder{% else %}Bestuurder{% endif %}{% else %}{% if zaakvoerder.statutory == true %}Statutair zaakvoerder{% else %}Zaakvoerder{% endif %}{% endif %} |{% assign modulo = forloop.index | modulo:columns %}{% if modulo == 0 %}{% unless forloop.last %}
|{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}

Is it possible to add the detail you have typed in for example the account of ‘voordelen alle aard’ (account 746400) to generate automatically in your ‘begeleidend schrijven’ ? If yes, how to you start ? Thx in advance !


Could you already have a look at my last question ? Thx !


I haven’t forgotten since we last talked.:slight_smile:

What you could do, is following :

Let’s say you’ve explained the account 740500 with following template (our standard template) :

{% fori detail in current_account.details %}{% if forloop.first %}
|--------------25%-----------------|--------------------45%-----------|------10%------|-------20%--------:+{% endif %}
|{% input detail.custom.title placeholder:'titel' %}| {% ic %}{% input detail.custom.text as:text size:mini placeholder:'extra info' %}{% endic %}{% nic %}{{ detail.custom.text | multiline_table}}{% endnic %}|{% input detail.custom.doc as:file %}|{% if forloop.last %}{% endif %}{% if current_account.liability_or_income %}{% $0+input detail.custom.value as:n_currency placeholder:'waarde' %}{% else %}{% $0+input detail.custom.value as:currency placeholder:'waarde' %}{% endif %}{% ic %}{% if forloop.last %}
|               |   |    |**{% if current_account.liability_or_income %}{{ -1*$0 | currency }}{% else %}{{ $0 | currency }}{% endif %}**{% endif %}{% endic %}{% endfori %}

That’s a detail that’s being attached to that current_account.

So get this detail in a text template, you could do this :

{% assign current_account = #740500 %}

Now that we’ve done that, you can get every variable out of that details that are attached to the current_account.

Like this :

{% for detail in current_account.details %}
{{ detail.custom.title }}{{ detail.custom.text }}{{ detail.custom.value }} 
{% endfor %}

Should work. But add a table to give a proper export of course

Again @Andrew, apologies for the late replies lately. We know this and working hard on improving! Thanks for the understanding though

Hi Tim,

I’ve done this and it works almost. We get all the bestuurder, but the template mentions everyware “Zaakvoerders”.
I’ve copied the code from “Verslag zaakvoerder”.

Hello @Sven.G,

Not sure if I follow or your reply is something for somewhere/someone else?


Thx for the explanation. I used it and it works.

Another issue - in my ‘begeleidend schrijven’ I want to use a text if an amount in account is higher than the year before.
I think it has something to do with period.minus_1y, but how to integrate in text template.

Thx in advance for your answer !

Hi @Andrew,

Could you post the code you already have?

It should work something like this:

{% if -1*(#10) >= 18600 %}
Kapitaal is zelfde of gestegen dan wettelijk minmum 
{% else %}
Kapitaal is gedaald
{% endif %}

No need to work with period.minus_1year (but you could of course).

That’s done this way :

{% assign previous_period = period.minus_1y %}

You can add that to a variable, like this :

{{period.minus_1y.year_end_date | date: '%d/%m/%Y'}}

{% if -1*(#133010) < #133010 %} wel liquidatiereserve {% else %} geen liquidatiereserve {% endif %}

Like this ? In my case this doesn’t work.

I forgot something: you need to add :1y to the account to display the amount of last year.

Like this

{% if -1*(#133010) < #133010 %}
 wel liquidatiereserve 
{% else %} 
geen liquidatiereserve 
{% endif %}


It works.

Just two more question concerning this.

  1. You helped me with the integration of the ‘voordelen alle aard’, where the detail is automatically shown in my letter. This is ok, but in my letter I get lines under each ‘voordeel’ - is their a way to get them out :smile:, because it doesn’t look great that way. See example below.

  2. In my detail of the ‘voordelen alle aard’
 If I just want the text out of my detail and not the amounts, can i use the for in my code ? I want to put in the amounts manually.

{% for detail in current_account.details %}
|{{detail.custom.title}}|{% input custom.some.value as:currency%}{% endfor %}

Thx already for your answer.


Can you post the code you use in the text, and the code that is being used to make the detail?

Basically, you can decide for yourself which custom variable you want to show. However, that doesn’t explain the lines though

This is what I have.

Binnen {{}} {{company.company_form}} werden volgende voordelen van alle aard weerhouden:

{% assign current_account = #746400 %}

{% for detail in current_account.details %}
|{{detail.custom.title}}|{% input custom.some.value as:currency%}{% endfor %}

{% assign current_account = #7465 %}

{% for detail in current_account.details %}
|{{detail.custom.title}}|{% input custom.some.value as:currency%}{% endfor %}

That’s caused by your definition of the table @Andrew

If you do it like this :

|----------80%--------|---------20%--------:+{% for detail in current_account.details %}
|{{detail.custom.title}}|{% input custom.some.value as:currency%}{% endfor %}

you’ll have the view you’ll want.

Because you put the table after the first part of the fori-loop, that table was executed for every loop, causing a line for each iteration of the loop.

View is great now :slight_smile: Thx !

One thing. If I put an amount in the table, all my lines are filled with that same amount. Does the for-loop has something to do with that ? Can something be done about this ?

{% input custom.some.value as:currency%}{% endfor %}

And one last thing

If you use the code font size =
 Like below
 Is it normal that this show in huge letters in the export ?

font size = “7”> Onze ref: {% input custom.some.onzeref %} /font
font size = “7”> Uw ref: {% input custom.some.uwref %} /font

Hi @sven

It looks looks like this. But were “zaakvoerder” is mentioned, we need “Bestuurder”.
The code is copied from “Jaarverslag”


Which template are you using to make those details? Can you post the code of that? Because I think you are using one of those custom variable that’s in the detail, and you want to add extra amount to each line, no?



Hopefully this isn’t confusing bc I’m answering to different questions within one topic

The code you are searching for, is this :

|{% for zaakvoerder in period.directors  %}{{ }}<br>{% if director_type == 'bestuurders' %}{% if zaakvoerder.statutory == true %}Gedelegeerd bestuurder{% else %}Bestuurder{% endif %}{% else %}{% if zaakvoerder.statutory == true %}Statutair zaakvoerder{% else %}Zaakvoerder{% endif %}{% endif %} |{% assign modulo = forloop.index | modulo:columns %}{% if modulo == 0 %}{% unless forloop.last %}

So, this all depends what is given in the “bedrijfsparameters”. Is everything filled in correctly there? That is, check the names that are up for “statutair” and such

If the issue with the signature is also happening in other reports, then it’s better to contact our helpdesk.
If not, then it’s something to the adjusted code of your custom made text template.