I’m assuming you’re currently using a reconciliation text template from which you can select the Sign with DocuSign action to send this over to DocuSign?
In that case, the font size is determined within the liquid code of that reconciliation template.
Do you currently set the font size within the liquid code? If not, I can redirect you to this article that provides you with more details on the options available within liquid to set the font size:
This should ensure that the font size is correctly generated when exporting this to DocuSign.
Does this help you a bit further?
Please let me know if anything is unclear.
Indeed, we’re using reconciliation templates and not permanent texts. .
The font size is set in the liquid code if it is not medium.
This was unnecessary in our reasoning as we can define font and font size in the styles.
However, if we use ‘sign with DocuSign’ we cannot define font or font size in the same way as in the styles.
So if we use normal exports we can easily adjust the font size of the style to do some testing. Now we have to adjust the liquid code by adding the tag font size everywhere and making it dynamique using a variable.
Furthermore, we will also need to match the font size in the style to the font size used with the ‘sign with DocuSign’ function because otherwise the layout will not be the same with these 2 modes of export.
Is my reasoning correct?
Finally, I would like to know what the font and font size is when using ‘sign with DocuSign’.
I’m afraid so yes, the DocuSign integration doesn’t really take styles into account and will make a direct export of the template regardless of any styles.
Therefore the font size will have to be set within the liquid code, to ensure that the export for DocuSign will pick it up correctly.
Essentially, when you indicate that you want to Sign the reconciliation with DocuSign, it will perform an API call to generate an export just for that specific reconciliation based on the liquid code for that template which is why it doesn’t have an option to select any styles to use for it.
Hopefully that gives you a bit more detail as to why this would have to be added to the liquid code of the template?