Link between reports

How can we link the new “Bedrijfsparameters” to a report?
At the moment, my report gets the date of the new “Bedrijfsparameters” (template) en the hour of the old “Bedrijfsparameters” (old report, before there were templates).

Hello @fiduc.eulaers,

It is not possible to link a template with a report. At least not for now…


Then how does the template knows where to get the information like the date & the hour?

Oh, I guess you mean a text template and not an export right? Can you please paste the code of “Bedrijfsparameters”?

We recently discovered that we were using the old “Bedrijfsparameters” (chat Silverfin).
So we added the new one, e template that’s also called Bedrijfsparameters. Now our report is getting it’s info in both Bedrijfsparameters in stead of only in the new one.

Can you please post the code of the new Bedrijfsparameters template and also the code of the report.

Bedrijfsparameters oud

{% case company.company_form %}
{% when 'NV' or 'CVBA' %}{% assign director_type = 'bestuurders' %}
{% else %}
  {% if company.custom.directors.size == 1 %}
    {% assign director_type = 'zaakvoerder' %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign director_type = 'zaakvoerders' %}
  {% endif %}
{% endcase %}

# Algemene bedrijfsgegevens:

* Bedrijfsnaam: {{}} 
* Vennootschapsvorm: {{company.company_form}}
* Adres: {{company.street}}, {{}}
* O.N. nummer: {{company.vat_identifier}}
* RPR: {% input company.custom.rpr.naam %}


# {% if director_type == 'bestuurders' %}Bestuurders{% else %}Zaakvoerders{% endif %}

| Naam                          | {% if director_type == 'bestuurders' %}Gedelegeerd{% else %}Statutair{% endif %}?
|-------------------------------|---------: {% fori zaakvoerder in company.custom.directors %}
| {% input %}  | {% input zaakvoerder.gedelegeerd as:boolean %}{% endfori %}


# Algemene Vergadering
* Datum jaarvergadering: {% input period.custom.av.datum as:date %}
* Uur: {% input company.custom.av.uur as:select options:'7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23' %}:{% input company.custom.av.minuten as:select options:'00|15|30|45' %}
* Plaats: {% input company.custom.av.plaats default:'de maatschappelijke zetel' %}


->**AANWEZIGHEIDSLIJST op de jaarvergadering gehouden op {{ period.custom.av.datum }}**<-

| Naam | Aandelen | Stemmen | Handtekeningen 
|------+{% fori shareholder in company.custom.shareholders %}
| {% input shareholder.naam %}<br>{% input shareholder.adres_1 %}<br>{% input shareholder.adres_2 %}<br>| {%$0+input shareholder.aandelen %}<br> |{%$1+input shareholder.stemmen %}{% endfori %}|
| Totaal | {{ $0 | integer  }}| {{ $1 | integer  }}|

Bedrijfsparameters nieuw

{% capture company_form %}{{ company.company_form | replace: '.','' | replace: ' ','' | upcase }}{% endcapture %}
{% case company_form %}
{% when 'NV' or 'CVBA' %}{% assign director_type = 'bestuurders' %}
{% else %}
  {% if period.directors.count == 1 %}
    {% assign director_type = 'zaakvoerder' %}
  {% else %}
    {% assign director_type = 'zaakvoerders' %}
  {% endif %}
{% endcase %}

# Algemene bedrijfsgegevens:

* Bedrijfsnaam: {{}} 
* Vennootschapsvorm: {{company.company_form}}
* Adres: {{company.street}}, {{}}
* O.N. nummer: {{company.vat_identifier}}
* RPR: {% input %}


|Naam | {% if director_type == 'bestuurders' %}Bestuurder{% else %}Zaakvoerder{% endif %} | Aandeelhouder | {% if director_type == 'bestuurders' %}Gedelegeerd{% else %}Statutair{% endif %} | Aantal aandelen | Aantal stemmen
|----|----:|----:|----:|----:|----:+{% fori person in period.people %}
|{% input %}    |{% nic %}{% if person.director == true %}x{% endif %}{% endnic %}{% input person.director as:boolean %} |{% nic %}{% if person.shareholder == true %}x{% endif %}{% endnic %}{% input person.shareholder as:boolean %} | {% nic %}{% if person.statutory == true %}x{% endif %}{% endnic %}{% input person.statutory as:boolean %} | {% input person.amount_of_shares as:integer %}  | {% input person.amount_of_votes as:integer %}    
|{% input person.address_1 %}
|{% input person.address_2 %}| {% endfori %}


# Algemene Vergadering
* Datum jaarvergadering: {% input period.custom.av.datum as:date %}
* Uur: {% input period.custom.av.uur as:select options:'7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23' %}:{% input period.custom.av.minuten as:select options:'00|15|30|45' %}
* Plaats: {% input period.custom.av.plaats default:'de maatschappelijke zetel' %}

Hello @Fiduciaire.Eulaers,

Regarding the variables of hour AV for instance:
in the old template it is attached to the drop companyand in the new one to period.

This is probably causing the issues; can you check and see if you get a better understanding by my explanation?

I’ve changed this settings. It seems to work (quick look).
I’ll test it asap @ work

I got the picture & solved it! Thanks!