Hi Community,
I have, in my opinion, two similar codes but one includes a link and the other one does not. I would like to have both as links but since I can not find the differences, I would like to ask if anyone else see something that I am missing?
In the below code, there is no link created
|_ {% t "anskaffningsvarde_enl_redovisning" %} {::infotext as='hover'}{% t "notera_installationer_ingar" %}{:/infotext} _
{% assign aqcuisition_accounts = period.accounts | range:'111000,111100,111200,123100' %}
|]__ {{ aqcuisition_accounts | currency:0 }} __
{% endstripnewlines %}
In the below code, a link is created
|__ {% t "bokforda_avskrivningar_etc" %} __
{% assign bokforda_avskrivningar_etc = period.accounts | range:'777000,772000,782100,782900' %}
{% if bokforda_avskrivningar_etc < 0 %}
{% assign bokforda_avskrivningar_etc_absolut1 = bokforda_avskrivningar_etc*-1 %}
{% else %}
{% assign bokforda_avskrivningar_etc_absolut1 = bokforda_avskrivningar_etc %}
{% endif %}
{% assign result_total_tax_adjustment_improvement_4_9_plus = result_total_tax_adjustment_improvement_4_9_plus+bokforda_avskrivningar_etc_absolut1 %}
|]__ {{ bokforda_avskrivningar_etc | currency:0 }} __
|]__ {{ bokforda_avskrivningar_etc | currency:0 }} __
{% newline %}
Kind regards,