Link to accounts

Hi Community,

I have, in my opinion, two similar codes but one includes a link and the other one does not. I would like to have both as links but since I can not find the differences, I would like to ask if anyone else see something that I am missing?

In the below code, there is no link created

|_ {% t "anskaffningsvarde_enl_redovisning" %} {::infotext as='hover'}{% t "notera_installationer_ingar" %}{:/infotext} _
{% assign aqcuisition_accounts = period.accounts | range:'111000,111100,111200,123100' %}
|]__ {{ aqcuisition_accounts | currency:0 }} __
{% endstripnewlines %}

In the below code, a link is created

|__ {% t "bokforda_avskrivningar_etc" %} __
{% assign bokforda_avskrivningar_etc = period.accounts | range:'777000,772000,782100,782900' %}

{% if bokforda_avskrivningar_etc < 0 %}
  {% assign bokforda_avskrivningar_etc_absolut1 = bokforda_avskrivningar_etc*-1 %}
    {% else %}
  {% assign bokforda_avskrivningar_etc_absolut1 = bokforda_avskrivningar_etc %}
{% endif %}

{% assign result_total_tax_adjustment_improvement_4_9_plus = result_total_tax_adjustment_improvement_4_9_plus+bokforda_avskrivningar_etc_absolut1 %}

|]__ {{ bokforda_avskrivningar_etc | currency:0 }} __
|]__ {{ bokforda_avskrivningar_etc | currency:0 }} __
{% newline %}

Kind regards,

Hi @Emmy ,

I have tried to replicate the issue you provide but unfortunately I do not see the error you describe.

Within my environment I receive links for both instances. Based on the examples you have provided we do expect it to work.

Could you provide us with another example of where the link is not being created.

Kind regards,