Link to select - true

Hello @VDVLiesbet,


If you are new, be sure to add hyour topic into the right category, and use proper text code (I’ve done that for you), so it reads more pleasantly :ok_hand:

Back to your question:

In your code I see this :

{% if input company.custom.keuzes.verhoging|"WEL"%} 

Shoudln’t this be :

{% if company.custom.keuzes.verhoging == "WEL" %} 

Also, is this the complete code? Because your IF-statement is never closed (and will cause an error if I try this code).

PS if you are new, be sure to read this first. The slides for workshop I are ideal for making custom texts!

To be clear:

To select options in a text, you need this input-tag:

{% input company.custom.keuzes.verhoging as:select options:"GEEN|WEL" %} 

That’s correct in your code.

IF you want to build an if-statement around it, you’ll leave the input-tag (you don’t need that) and use something like :

{% if company.custom.keuzes.verhoging == "WEL" %}  
Some text ... 
{% endif %}

good luck, and don’t hesitate to ask here! :muscle: