Sjabloon inveseringsreserve


ik heb zelf een sjabloon opgemaakt investeringsreserve op de rekening 132000
Ik heb alles ingevuld en toch verklaart het sjabloon mijn rekeningsaldo niet.
Mogelijks ontbreek ik een link met de controle op de rekening.
Ziet iemand wat ik hier ontbreek?

{% comment %}— NOT TO BE USED OR PUBLISHED FOR NOW ------{% endcomment %}

{% t= “Omschrijving” fr:“Définition” %}
{% t= “Datum” fr:“Date” %}
{% t= “Verkoopprijs” fr:“Prix de vente” %}
{% t= “Verkoopkosten” fr:“Coûts de vente” %}
{% t= “Boekwaarde” fr:“Valeur comptable” %}
{% t= “Meerwaarde” fr:“Plus-value” %}
{% t= “Uitsplitsing meerwaarde” fr:“Répartition de la plus-value” %}
{% t= “Te herbeleggen verkoopprijs” fr:“Prix de vente à réinvestir” %}
{% t= “Aanvangstermijn herbeleggingen” fr:“Délai initial de réinvestissement” %}
{% t= “Herbeleggingen” fr:“Réinvestissements” %}
{% t= “Afschrijving” fr:“Amortissement” %}
{% t= “Bedrag” fr:“Montant” %}
{% t= “Totaal” fr:“Total” %}
{% t= “factuurnummer” fr:“Total” %}
{% t= “Onttrekking aan de belastingvrije reserves” fr:“Prélèvements sur les réserves immunisées” %}
{% t= “Onttrekking aan de belastingen” fr:“Prélèvements sur les taxes” %}

{% assign account_168 = period.accounts | range:custom.accounts.168 %}
{% assign account_168_min = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:custom.accounts.168 %}
{% assign account_min = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:current_account.number %}

| {% t “Omschrijving” %} | |{% t “Datum” %} | {% t “Verkoopprijs” %} | {% t “Verkoopkosten” %} | {% t “Boekwaarde” %} | {% t “Meerwaarde” %}{% fori detail in custom.details %}
|{% input detail.omschrijving %}|{% input detail.doc as:file %}|{% input detail.datum %}|{%$0+input detail.prijs as:currency %}|{% input detail.kosten as:currency %}|{% input detail.boekwaarde as:currency %}|{%=$1+ detail.prijs-detail.boekwaarde-detail.kosten%}{% endfori %}

| {% t “Uitsplitsing meerwaarde” %}: | {{ current_account.number }} {{ }} | | {{ $1*(1-custom.splits.perc) | currency}}
| | {{ account_168.first.number }} {{ }} {% input custom.accounts.168 as:account_collection range:168 %} | {% input custom.splits.perc as:percentage %} |{{ $1*custom.splits.perc | currency}}
| {% t “Te herbeleggen verkoopprijs” %}: | | | {{ $0 | currency }}
| {% t “Aanvangstermijn herbeleggingen” %}: | | | {% input custom.herbel.datum %}

| {% t “Herbeleggingen” %}|{% t “Bedrag” %}

| {% t “factuurnummer” %} | {% t “Omschrijving” %} | | {% t “Datum” %} |{% input custom.afschr.jaar %}{% fori detail in custom.herbeleggingen %}
|{%$2+input detail.factuurnummer %}|{% input detail.omschrijving %} | {% input detail.doc as:file %} |{% input detail.datum %}|{%$3+input detail.bedrag as:currency %}{% endfori %}
|{% t “Totaal” %} | | |{{$2 | currency}}|{{$3 | currency}}

| {% t “Meerwaarde” %} | {{ $1 | currency }} | - |{{ $3 | currency }}| = | {% if $2 == 1 %}{%=$4+ 0 %}{% else %}{%=$4+ $1-$3 %}{% endif %}
| | | | {{ $2 | currency }}
| {% t “Onttrekking aan de belastingvrije reserves” %} | {%=$5+ $4*(1-custom.splits.perc) %} |
| {% t “Onttrekking aan de belastingen” %} | {%=$6+ $4*custom.splits.perc %} |


| | {{ period.minus_1y.end_date | date:’%d/%m/%y’ }}| Beweging | {{ period.end_date | date:’%d/%m/%y’ }}
| {{ current_account.number }} {{ }} | {{ -1*account_min.value | currency }} | {{ -1(current_account.value-account_min.value) | currency }}* | {%=$12+ -1*current_account.value %}
| {{ account_168.first.number }} {{ }} | {{ -1*account_168_min.value | currency }} | {{ -1(account_168.value-account_168_min.value) | currency }}* | {%=$13+ -1*account_168.value %}

Hi @Tine1,

To explain the amount on your account (i.e. get a green dot), you should add an ‘unreconciled’ tag in your code. The tag checks the current account value with a variable, e.g.:

{% unreconciled current_account.value-var as:indicator %}

When the result is zero, the red triangle will turn into a green dot.

You can add as many unreconciled tags in your code as you want. Your template will display a green dot, when all unreconciled tags are zero.

For further information, we kindly refer you to following case on adding reconciliation checks in your template: CASE: add reconciliation checks (red triangle/green dot). Kindly note that the ‘unexplained’-tag which is discussed in this case, is recently replaced by the ‘unreconciled’-tag. The functioning of the tag is the same, except that the words ‘unreconciled’ should be used instead of ‘unexplained’.

Hope our reply proofs you useful. Do not hesitate to reach out to us in case of any further problems.

Finally, may I kindly ask you to always communicate in English in our Community? Thank you!


I introduced the line {% unexplained ind as:indicator %} to my sjabloon and now I gett a green dot. But on the end of the page there is a red triangle.
And just as a test when I add 100 EUR so the amount I explained is different from the amount on my Account ik still get a green dot even if it’s not correct.
The amount " Te investeren bedrag" Should be checked with the amount on the account.

Can you explain what I should add extra to my sjabloon?

You can find the printscreens here below:

{% t= “Omschrijving” fr:“Définition” %}
{% t= “Datum” fr:“Date” %}
{% t= “Verkoopprijs” fr:“Prix de vente” %}
{% t= “Verkoopkosten” fr:“Coûts de vente” %}
{% t= “Boekwaarde” fr:“Valeur comptable” %}
{% t= “Meerwaarde” fr:“Plus-value” %}
{% t= “Uitsplitsing meerwaarde” fr:“Répartition de la plus-value” %}
{% t= “Te herbeleggen verkoopprijs” fr:“Prix de vente à réinvestir” %}
{% t= “Aanvangstermijn herbeleggingen” fr:“Délai initial de réinvestissement” %}
{% t= “Herbeleggingen” fr:“Réinvestissements” %}
{% t= “Afschrijving” fr:“Amortissement” %}
{% t= “Bedrag” fr:“Montant” %}
{% t= “Totaal” fr:“Total” %}
{% t= “factuurnummer” fr:“Total” %}
{% t= “Onttrekking aan de belastingvrije reserves” fr:“Prélèvements sur les réserves immunisées” %}
{% t= “Onttrekking aan de belastingen” fr:“Prélèvements sur les taxes” %}

{% assign $1 = 0 %}{% assign $2 = 0 %}{% assign $3 = 0 %}{% assign $4 = 0 %}{% assign $5 = 0 %}{% assign $6 = 0 %}{% assign $7 = 0 %}{% assign $8 = 0 %}{% assign $9 = 0 %}{% assign $10 = 0 %}{% assign $11 = 0 %}{% assign $12 = 0 %}{% assign $13 = 0 %}{% assign $14 = 0 %}

{% assign account_168 = period.accounts | range:custom.accounts.168 %}
{% assign account_168_min = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:custom.accounts.168 %}
{% assign account_min = period.minus_1y.accounts | range:current_account.number %}

| {% t “Omschrijving” %} | |{% t “Datum” %} | {% t “Aangroei” %} | {% t “Aangelegde reserve” %}{% fori detail in custom.details %}
|{% input detail.omschrijving %}|{% input detail.doc as:file %}|{% input detail.datum %}|{%$0+input detail.prijs as:currency %}|{%=$1+ detail.prijs-detail.boekwaarde-detail.kosten%}{% endfori %}

| {% t “Totaal te hebeleggen” %}: | {{ current_account.number }} {{ }} | | {{ $1*(1-custom.splits.perc) | currency}}
| {% t “Te investeren bedrag” %}: | | | {{ $0 | currency }}
| {% t “Aanvangstermijn herbeleggingen” %}: {% input custom.herbel.datum %}
| {% t “Einddatum herbeleggingen” %}: {% input custom.herbeleind.datum %}


| {% t “Herbeleggingen” %}

| {% t “factuurnummer” %} | {% t “Omschrijving” %} | | {% t “Datum” %} | {% t “Bedrag” %} |{% fori detail in custom.herbeleggingen %}
|{%$2+input detail.factuurnummer %}|{% input detail.omschrijving %} | {% input detail.doc as:file %} |{% input detail.datum %}|{%$3+input detail.bedrag as:currency %}{% endfori %}
|{% t “Totaal” %} | | | |{{$3 | currency}}

| {% t “Nog te herbeleggen” %} | {{ $1 | currency }} | - |{{ $3 | currency }}| = | {% if $2 == 1 %}{%=$4+ 0 %}{% else %}{%=$4+ $1-$3 %}{% endif %}

{% unexplained ind as:indicator %}

Hi @Tine1,

In order for the unreconciled-tag to check your current account value with the amount of ‘te investeren bedrag’, you should include this check in your unreconciled-tag.

For example

{% assign ind = $0-current_account.value %}
{% unexplained ind as:indicator %}

Only when the result of the check is zero, a green dot will be shown (on the top as well as at the bottom of your page).

Hope this resolves your issue.

Kind regards,

I integrated this check and now it works.