Tax calculation according to a budget

Hello @Coene,

It’s a good question that we’ve also heard several times.

For now, there isn’t a possibility to get budget-numbers from a report (you can get YTD-actuals however, from a report, like explained here fyi). Because that would mean less work for you.

You could however build a template like you say, where the budget numbers have to be manually put in…
But, I’d rather won’t go that way. It’s takes a huge effort from the user to do it correctly, and it doesn’t feel “Silverfin” to be honest.

I’ll note this down as a feature request for now. If you really want to create a template where the budget numbers need to be manually created, let me know, but be aware this isn’t ideal.

Hope you’re not too disappointed, but we know this is a request by many…

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