Template Annex to the table of taxed reserves

Hello Sven,

Thanks for your answer but I have another problem.

In the code I have:

**{% assign belaste_reservesPY = period.minus_1y.reconciliations.belaste_reserves %}**

**|_{% t "Andere in de balans vermelde reserves" %}_ {% ic %}| {% endic %} | |  | | | |  | {% ic %}| {% endic %}{% fori balans in custom.balans_reserves %} _**
**_| _{% input balans.omschrijving placeholder_default:belaste_reservesPY.balans.omschrijving %}_ {% ic %}|{% endic %}         | {% $0+input balans.fiscale_reserve as:currency _placeholder_default:belaste_reservesPY.balans.fiscale_reserve_ %} | {% $1+input balans.wijz_controleur as:currency placeholder:'' %} |{{ $0+$1 | currency }} | {% $2+input balans.Kapitaal_Bew_bkj as:currency placeholder:'' %} | {% $3+input balans.Kapitaal_JV_RW as:currency placeholder:'' %} | {{ $0+$1+$2+$3 | currency }} {% ic %}|{% endic %} | {% endfori %}**

This is a table of multiple lines.

I tried to use your solution for the lines but it’s not working.

Can you help me?

