Template Rechtvaardiging opgave 325.50

Hello @svalais,

Firstly I would like to ask you to check this guide. How to paste your code in a community post It will help you paste your code in a way which will be easier for everyone to read. I edited your post for you this time.

Regarding your issue now, there is an if / unless statement in your code that prevents it to do exactly what you want it to do. It is this part from the “Opgave 325.50” section:

{% if forloop.last %}{% unless forloop.first %}{% continue %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}

In short, this loop says that if your bookyear is the last one and if it is not the first one, then it will have to continue. And by continue we mean that it will have to skip all the other code and move to the next part of code. That’s why your inputs won’t appear for you.
