Text-document retrieving info from bedrijfsparameters


Let’s start from scratch then, sort of :wink:

I created a case for you, as I think it might be relevant to have on our community:

However, because you are new to all of this, may I suggest to take the time to get the basics first (as it might be too much to begin with if you are a starter)?
A good start would be to download slides from our workshops (you can found this here)
and get to know some of the code in our readme pages https://silverfin.readme.io

We know time is an issue with lots of people, but same goes for us of course.

I hope the case got you intrigued to learn more of our Silverfin templating Language, and that you don’t take it the wrong way me guiding you to our documentation (I want to avoid the community being a place where requests are dropped and we built - the goal is to guide you step-by-step towards your desired template).

good luck, and let us know if we can help you further :+1:

PS the rpr is not part of one shareholder to be input through the Bedrijfsparameters, and I hope you find the info for address. if not, you know where to find us but it’s all there in the text template “bedrijfsparameters”