A really nice update … but I was wondering … is it possible to adapt the width of the message box (I’d like to put some legal articles in there as additional information but the box is rather narrow)?
Is it possible to change the colour of the hover to red for example ? or is it always grey ?
I tested this in one of our templates - see below…
I just want the hover-text to be shown if their isn’t a file uploaded. Problem i’m having with current code is that hoover-text is always shown. Even if a file is uploaded. Can you see what i’m doing wrong ?
{% if detail.custom.file == blank %}
{::infotext as=“hover”}
Vergeet je bijlage van je openstaande klanten niet toe te voegen !
{% endif %}
{% fori detail in current_account.details %}{% if forloop.first %}
| {% t “Zie afzonderlijke proef- en saldibalans” %}|{% input detail.custom.file as:file %}| {% input detail.custom.value as currency %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}
Like this - see below … ? Not working for the moment. Must there not be added == blank ? or something else.
{% if detail.custom.file.document == blank %}
{% if detail.custom.file.document %}
{::infotext as=“hover”}
Vergeet je bijlage van je openstaande klanten niet toe te voegen !
{% endif %}
{% fori detail in current_account.details %}{% if forloop.first %}
| {% t “Zie afzonderlijke proef- en saldibalans” %}|{% input detail.custom.file as:file %}| {% input detail.custom.value as currency %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}
This is a nifty little function! Is there a way to have the text showing from the left-hand side of the icon? When the icon is close to the right hand-side margin of the web browser, the text is cut off on the template: