CASE: create an infotext as hover

:mega::mega: This is a really nice update we just launched last night :mega::mega:

It is now possible to create certain infotext, but then as hover where the user has to mouse-over the infotext to see what it is saying :


To use this, simply use this code :

{::infotext as="hover"}
this text will be shown on hover

Possibilities are HUGE here

For example, you could guide an user more into why the alarmbel procedure is active :

{% assign netto_actief = #16__59 %}
{% assign maatschappelijk_kapitaal = -1*#100 %}

  {% if netto_actief <= maatschappelijk_kapitaal/2 %}{% assign alarmbel = true %}{% endif %}
  {% unless sbvba %}
    {% if company_form == 'NV' or company_form == 'COMMVA' %}
      {% assign limit_alarmbel = "61.500" %}
      {% if netto_actief < 61500.00 %}{% assign artikel_634 = true %}{% endif %}
    {% elsif company_form == 'CVBA' %}
      {% if netto_actief < 6200 %}{% assign artikel_432 = true %}{% endif %}
      {% assign limit_alarmbel = "6.200" %}
    {% else %}
      {% if netto_actief < 6200 %}{% assign artikel_333 = true %}{% endif %}
      {% assign limit_alarmbel = "6.200" %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endunless %}

{% if alarmbel %}

{::infotext as="hover"}
There is calculated with **{{ limit_alarmbel }}** as a limit.  
Net assets are **{{ netto_actief | currency }}** and shared capital / 2 is **{{ maatschappelijk_kapitaal/2 | currency }}**.   

{% endif %} 

Which gives this result :



That really is a very nice update … Potential uses aimed at boosting UX are huge …Great work!


Hi Sven,

A really nice update … but I was wondering … is it possible to adapt the width of the message box (I’d like to put some legal articles in there as additional information but the box is rather narrow)?



no, it isn’t. In your case I’d suggest just an info-tag then perhaps; a hoover text can’t be overloaded with info (in our honest opinion :relaxed: )

Is it possible to change the colour of the hover to red for example ? or is it always grey ?

I tested this in one of our templates - see below…

I just want the hover-text to be shown if their isn’t a file uploaded. Problem i’m having with current code is that hoover-text is always shown. Even if a file is uploaded. Can you see what i’m doing wrong ?

{% if detail.custom.file == blank %}

{::infotext as=“hover”}
Vergeet je bijlage van je openstaande klanten niet toe te voegen !


{% endif %}

{% fori detail in current_account.details %}{% if forloop.first %}

| {% t “Zie afzonderlijke proef- en saldibalans” %}|{% input detail.custom.file as:file %}| {% input detail.custom.value as currency %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}


Sorry to disappoint, but you can’t change the color. This is done of course to get a uniform look & feel in Silverfin :slightly_smiling_face:

Regarding your code, try changing your if-statement into this :

{% if detail.custom.file.document %}

Adding the documentto the object, will make it possible to check whether or not a document has been added.

Thx Sven!

Like this - see below … ? Not working for the moment. Must there not be added == blank ? or something else.
{% if detail.custom.file.document == blank %}

{% if detail.custom.file.document %}
{::infotext as=“hover”}
Vergeet je bijlage van je openstaande klanten niet toe te voegen !
{% endif %}

{% fori detail in current_account.details %}{% if forloop.first %}
| {% t “Zie afzonderlijke proef- en saldibalans” %}|{% input detail.custom.file as:file %}| {% input detail.custom.value as currency %}{% endif %}{% endfori %}

It works for me @Andrew.

Because it’s not related to the subject of this topic, I’ll link you to

If it doesn’t work, create a separate topic perhaps with the full code (with how the file is generated).


It works now ! I didn’t put my code within the fori-loop.

Last question - i see that hover-text is also exported when you put your template into pdf. Can that be switched off ? or not be shown ?

Thx !


It can! Just use ic-tags like this :

{% ic %}
This will only be shown in input, and not in export / preview 
{% endic %}

Hi @sven,

This is a nifty little function! Is there a way to have the text showing from the left-hand side of the icon? When the icon is close to the right hand-side margin of the web browser, the text is cut off on the template:

Many thanks

Hi @jhanley,

This is a well-known issue and is in the planning to be resolved.

We will keep you updated as soon as this is fixed!

Kind regards,