Conventions - Agreements to be added to the declaration - Result tags

Hi Team,

We were trying to use the result tags of Conventions - Agreements to be added to the declaration workpaper and for some reason it is always showing as Null.

Basically, we want to check whether a file has been added to the below 3 fields.

Is it possible to check this result? Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Hi @Nikhil

Apologies for the belated reply, I’ll relay this to the team in charge of this package and they will get back to you here when/if the results have been updated.

You can also check the file inputs directly, for example:
period.reconciliations.conventions_attached.custom.agreement.group_transfer.documents.size tells you how many documents have been uploaded to this input.

Kind regards

Hi @Nikhil

The results have just been updated:

  • AgreementInterestDeductionAnnexe
  • AgreementCollectiveRenunciationCalculationEBITDAAnnexe
  • AgreementIntraGroupTransferAnnexe

As soon as there are attachments added to a category, the respective result will be generated with value true.

Please let me know if this is indeed what you were looking for.

Kind regards,

Thanks @Michiel_Degezelle, This is indeed what we were looking for.

Kind regards,