We are trying to get the named results form template Immovable Property into a custom template.
We have seen that a new named result is being created for each new property
how can we build in logic in which we create a dropdown which contains the named results from the template Immovable Property?
Hi @AlexanderDB
I’ve passed your question along to the team managing this template, they will get back to you here with some guidance.
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for visiting the community! What named results would you like to see in the dropdown?
Let’s say you want the referencei in the dropdown. Your code logic can look like this
{% for item in (0..100) %}
{% capture item_number %}reference{{ item | integer }}{% endcapture %}
{% if period.reconciliations.Immovable_property.results.[item_number] == blank %}
{% break %}
{% else %}
{% capture options %}{{ options }}|{{ period.reconciliations.Immovable_property.results.[item_number] }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% input custom.some.select_statement as:select options:options %}
Kind regards,
Hi Michiel,
If possible, the dropdown should contain following named result(s):
- reference0
- reference1
- reference2
- …