Rollforward nil date : Not working

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to clear the date values when roll forwarding to next period and its not working, still dates are being copied to next period.

Code tried:

{% input company.custom.process.CMT_filed as:date %}
{% rollforward nil company.custom.process.CMT_filed as:date %}

{% input company.custom.process.CMT_filed as:date %}
{% rollforward nil company.custom.process.CMT_filed %}

Could you help me to clear the date value while roll forwarding to next year, please?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Hi @Nikhil ,

The custom variables you have created are on the company drop. This means that the value of these input fields will remain the same throughout all periods. If you’ld like to clear these fields, attaching it to the company drop is not the right approach.

More information on company and period drops can be found in this case.

Kind regards,


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Hi @Michiel,

Is there a way, to use company.custom for some fields and also those fields can be made nil when roll forward?

We are using company.custom. in the liquid code to check the updates in the data fields and trigger the webhook events. Perhaps when we don’t use company.custom, we don’t see any webhook events for those fields.

Please let me know if need more info.

Kind regards,

Hi @Nikhil,

Variables created at company level are not period dependent (i.e. they keep the same value regardless of the period you are in). For this reason, the rollforward functionality does not work for them.

Is there a reason why you need to use a company variable?


Hi @borjaGonzalez,

Apologies, i forgot to reply to your comments.

We have integrated Silverfin to the different applications and we are using Webhooks to trigger the events. Sense, whenever some custom data fields are updated in the Silverfin work papers, API is triggered to take
those updated data and will do necessary action on our other applications.

Silverfin only has webhooks for when a company custom property is updated on a company. i.e
{% input company.custom.namespace.key %}

Not for custom properties like.
{% input custom.namespace.key %}

So we are using Company custom properties, however we cannot make the fields nil when we roll forward to next year. This indeed triggers the API for next year data fields, when rolled forward, even when the user does not update the fields.

Is there a way to make these fields as period dependent and nil when rolled forward for the company custom properties fields?

Kind regards,

@Nikhil Unfortunately company variables cannot be period-dependent, they always keep the same value as that’s how they are meant to work.

You can try using a variable like:

{% input period.custom.namespace.key %}

Otherwise, I am afraid this issue would need to be fixed on the Webhooks API side to make those fields compatible.


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