Modifying table row heights

Dear SilverFin,

Is there a way to modify table row heights?

| naam | aantal aandelen | handtekening |
|{{ }}|{%=$0+ person.amount_of_shares|integer %} | |
| Totaal | {{ $0|integer }}| |

The last column in the above table isn’t big enough to add signatures, which is why my client wants to modify the row height.

Currently, we have tried adding invisible data to the rows to force the row height to change, but I really dislike that approach and it breaks centering of the contents.

With friendly regards,

Hi @Panagiotis_Issaris

At the moment it’s not possible to adjust the height of rows. You could however try this little trick. It’s not the best solution either but it might help you out:

| naam | aantal aandelen | handtekening |
|<br />{{ }}|<br />{%=$0+ person.amount_of_shares|integer %} |<br /><br /><br />|
| Totaal | {{ $0|integer }}| |

Kind regards

Hi Sam,

Thanks! Is more advanced styling functionality being planned? Or is there a way to fetch the data using the APIs at It seemed not all data is available through that API or am I mistaken?

With friendly regards,

Do you know our page already?
Maybe that could help you further.

Kind regards

Thanks Sam, but my customer wants more control regarding the layout. On the new site I cannot find any additional formatting tools, which is why I am looking for alternatives. Although I think Markdown style formatting is adequate for styling programmer documentation, I think it is severely lacking for styling and layout for end-user facing reports. Using CSS for print is currently a much more powerful alternative.

With friendly regards,

There’s no possibility to use html an css in our templates.
You could make an export file which could be html if you’d really want.

There’s also a possibility that we might integrate with a BI tool in the future.
I can’t stick a date on this though.

When it comes to export and our templates you can make some adjustment in styles too.

Hopefully this helps?

Kind regards

Hi Sam,

Thanks for the information.

How can I generate such a HTML export?

What kind of adjustments to styles can I perform on exports? Are there any docs on this?

With friendly regards,

Hi Takis,

You can find information on how to create an export file here:

Just make sure you put the .html extension when naming the file.

Hope that helps.


Thank you Borja!

With friendly regards,